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All Product Reviews (245)

Going, going, gone...

Sunday I went to my first auction. My wife spied an article in the local paper about an estate auction being held nearby and part of the estate was a wood working shop!

The auctions started at 10:00, and I didn't get there until nearly 9:45, so I didn't have as much chance to walk around and scope things out as I would have liked.

I got a little electric sharpener (by craftsman) for $10.00. This will be good enough to hollow grind a set of junkie bench chisels, but I don't… Continue

Added by Kerry Drake on May 24, 2010 at 12:57pm — 3 Comments

Where do you buy your kreg screws & plugs?

I found the best place to buy Kreg screws & plugs from, is (, I have purchased screws from them since 2004. A box of 500, 1 1/4" course are only $11.95 + shipping. They also sell 1000 count boxes for $18.50, a much better savings compared to $18.00 plus that the lumber yard wanted for a… Continue

Added by Timothy Sluder on May 22, 2010 at 10:43am — 11 Comments

Mobile Pegboard Cabinet

Because my wood shop shares space with a Honda Odyssey and a Ford F-150, everything in there needs to be mobile and tuck-away-able. I also don't have enough wall space for a mounted pegboard. So, I made this mobile pegboard cabinet with shelves and drawers.

Mobile_Pegboard_Cab01 by whitsittms, on Flickr

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License by…

Added by Mark Whitsitt on May 14, 2010 at 9:21am — 10 Comments

This tool is so cool

My hubby would love this tool. Heck I would love this tool.


Added by Pamela Morris on May 14, 2010 at 7:57am — 3 Comments

Pie Safe

It was way back in February when I was at the house of the newly married couple I gave the hope chest to as a wedding gift. Everyone was partying pretty well and occasionally admiring the chest sitting in the living room. One of the guests, Heather, was paying particular attention to it and said, "Badger," my paintball callsign by the way, "when are you going to make me something?"

You have to know that Rick and Heather have done SOOO much for me over the years that of course…


Added by Don Grubish on May 11, 2010 at 4:00pm — 8 Comments

How much???

We decided to redo the living room. A friend of ours, an interior decorator, suggested an 18" cornice over the front window that's also 25 feet long.

The gal from the fabric store came out because we were ordering new vertical blinds also. She said they do cornices also.....750 dollars!!!

Out came the Kreg jig, $75 for 1 x 2s and a couple of sheets of luan. We went to the fabric store and they gave us everything we needed for $200. Turned out beautifully

My wife thought a long, thin… Continue

Added by Carl Vella on May 11, 2010 at 3:36pm — 2 Comments

Getting the Deck Jig

It started with the Jig Jr. and one crooked and fuzzy (never use "weathered" MDF) book case. Now I have the Deck Jig and 500 lbs. of lumber sitting in the patio. Too many projects, so little time.

Added by George Odenbreit, Jr. on May 6, 2010 at 10:32pm — 7 Comments

The 2 hour project

After working 1/2 a day on Saturday, I cam home and installing the top

the Bedroom Built in. One more step in finishing this and its a big

one. Now everything looks finished (except for the handles, and the big

gouge I took out of the wall installing the top) and adding the two

bookcases to each end are just "add ons".…


Added by Kerry Drake on May 3, 2010 at 9:25am — 1 Comment

4. With shelves, it is not the strength of the screw that holds up the weight, but the friction of the joint. Make sure it is flush and tight.

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As I am typing this, I am not sure that I agree with it. It is counter-intuitive to me. I invite comments. The intent of this item is to provide insight on the failure mode of shelves and also the importance of square, flush joints.

It is my understanding and experience that it is not the strength of the screw which bears the load… Continue

Added by Sean on May 1, 2010 at 9:38am — 3 Comments

2. Start small and keep on building

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My ultimate goal is to build bookcases for my basement. There will be three sets side by side, from floor to ceiling. I plan crown molding at the top, and perhaps doors for the bottom three shelves. I only have a single standard door in a very tight hallway, so everything will be carried a piece at a time downstairs and assembled there, and there they will stay for the rest of the time we… Continue

Added by Sean on April 29, 2010 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

6. It is often easier to assemble upside down

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I am going to jump ahead to #6 as Kim C commented that my choice of wording was unclear.

Also, perhaps I should have titled all of this as Sean's Newbie Rules

My second Kreg project was a set of CD shelves. Yes, I still have all my CD's, a lot of them. All of the shelves that were out there were combination DVD/CD shelves which meant they were not space efficient. After… Continue

Added by Sean on April 29, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

1. If you can buy it, don't build it

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I have come to the conclusion that not only does China have cheaper labor than us, but they have cheaper access to materials. I have seen the Latin American ports where shredded pulp wood is loaded on ships bound for China - this is just ballast to them, but it ends up as Ikea and Sauder furniture to us.

Unless you have your own saw mill or a really good wood source, you are… Continue

Added by Sean on April 27, 2010 at 11:30pm — 10 Comments

Sean's Rules on Kreg Tool Woodworking

1. If you can buy it, don't build it

2. Start small and keep on building

3. If the project is twice as large as your last, the sawdust increases four fold

4. With shelves, it is not the strength of the screw that holds up… Continue

Added by Sean on April 27, 2010 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

First Project

My first project with the Kreg Jig was the work bench. I followed the plans without any real alterations. I chose this project for two reasons: 1) I had all the material(so I thought). 2) I was tired of working off the ground. It was pretty darn simple. The only problem was the woodworker on a super coffee high who couldn't slow down enough to change the jig for the bench top. I am not taking pictures of it, because it is just a work bench. I am still looking for my next project. I definatly… Continue

Added by Mike Weingartz on April 19, 2010 at 7:45am — 2 Comments

New Tool - Part 2 - The Tax Return

At the end of last year I was kind of hoping that our tax return would be enough to let me buy a new big ticket tool for my workshop (I define “big ticket” as over $200.00). I knew I wanted to that tool to be a bandsaw, the question was really WHICH bandsaw to get.

I googled, I did searches on You Tube, I visited manufacturers websites, I posted questions in woodworking forums. I created a comparison chart of 15 different band saws from 10 different manufacturers, comparing resaw…


Added by Kerry Drake on April 16, 2010 at 12:09pm — 6 Comments

New Tool - Part 1 - The Birthday

Well I just had my birthday and my lovely wife went out and picked me up a little something.…


Added by Kerry Drake on April 13, 2010 at 9:55am — 6 Comments

For What It's worth.

A short time ago (a few days), I commented on a blog about selling and what to charge for hand made/custom made items. It started me to thinking about what's so out of whack with our society.

We basically live in a disposable or throw away society where people think the "IKEA" store and "Rooms To Go" have quality furniture. The heirlooms we pass on to our children are probably not something we purchased, but rather something we were fortunate enough to inherate from our grand…


Added by Steve McCullough on April 12, 2010 at 6:54pm — 9 Comments

Router tables

Looking to buy a router table.

Problem is are there any good sub $300 tables?

I had been looking at the skill tables at Lowes.

It appears craftsman has same tables with their name on sale now.

Added by Gary roofner on April 7, 2010 at 6:10am — 13 Comments

Any you guys selling your products?

Newly retired so not wanting big production.

Just finance my…


Added by Gary roofner on March 25, 2010 at 2:31am — 18 Comments

My first project... the Simple Bed

Here are pictures of my first woodworking project since junior high shop class 32 years ago, and also my first project using the Kreg pocket hole jig...

This is a bed built for my 2 year old son's new "Big Boy Bed" at my wife's request. This was built with dimensional lumber from plans found at "Knock Off Wood", a blog that seeks to provide plans that "knock off" far more expensive furniture from high-end retailers. Here's the link to the plans I modified to make this bed:…

Added by Mark Whitsitt on March 24, 2010 at 10:49pm — 13 Comments

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Free Hand Guard (dust collection)

Hi.  I'm wondering if anyone has used the Woodpecker Free Hand Guard for dust collection on their bench top router table during pattern routing.  How effective is it?  It's adaptable to any router table.  Continue

Started by Keith Morgan in Beginners' Zone Nov 8.

Keg Easy-Step Collar and XL 1 Reply

Does Keg Easy-Step Collar work with Kreg XL?

Started by Nick in Beginners' Zone. Last reply by Ken Darga Oct 28.

Product Reviews

The Pocket Hole Joinery Book - Review

Posted by Daris R. on August 27, 2024 at 8:29pm

New Kreg 720Pro

I saw the video Kreg put out for this new jig and had high hopes for it.

I purchased one today and am very disappointed with it.

First the docking station is extremely cheap. The plastic is pathetic. A Lego has more…


Posted by Duke Leon on February 15, 2021 at 9:00pm

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