Kreg Owners' Community

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Book cases



Storage bin(s)

Outdoor furniture---tables, chairs, benches, storage.

Persue magazines and books, that show products that could be of use to you.

Book titled "The Pocket Hole Drilling Jig Project Book", by Canny Proulx, is a good source of info,

as well as others with similarity.

Do a google search---pocket hole projects plans, and the like.

Have fun planning and building.


My name is Diane- USA, retired USAF. Beginner woodworker, built a small table with Kreg JIG . I like Kreg, products are good quality and easy to use. I am happy I found the Kreg Community . Eager to learn from you all. I am looking for my next beginner project. Any ideas?
Welcome to the community Diane.

Hello all my name is Phil. I live in Maryland, love music and want to build custom storage for my music - apothecary drawer cabinet for CD's and custom storage for music books and sheet music. But I am a complete newbie to woodworking so to start I want to use my K4 system to repair and strengthen existing bookcases and storage.

Hi my name is Elizabeth and I live in Georgia. I am retired and find myself doing DIY projects with my time.  I recently installed laminate flooring and new baseboard molding in my kitchen (first time). I actually love working with wood. I am interest in making a sturdy desk for my home office. I just purchased Kreg Jig 5 Master System and accu-cut.  Wish me luck.  

Hello from Houston!  My name is Tom -- my wife and I have been transplanted Iowans here in TX for the past 14 years.  I grew up on a farm in Southeast Iowa where I spent many wintery days in my dad’s woodshop learning the craft from him.  After getting married and raising a family, the woodworking bug has bitten me once again.  I’ve been intrigued with the expanding Kreg system and I am pleased to say I am hooked!  Just completed my first shelving project and have a ton of other ideas brewing – thanks to my wife of course!  Glad to be a part of the community.

Hi I,m Alan just retired always had a interest in woodworking ,just purchased a Kreg jig ,and come the winter I will start to experiment in the meantime have plenty of house maintenance to do so don't expect too many posts for a while ,I live in Norfolk UK
Hi my name is Alec I'm in the UK been wood working most of my life I've just bought a kreg master system but not used it yet so will have loads of questions
Hello my name is Ruben I live in S.A Texas I am an electrician by trade but around 2 years ago I built my first shelves for my son's toys and something just triggered and I have not stopped making things ever since. What I enjoy most is surprising friends and family with homemade gifts. The easy of making joints with Kreg gave me the confidence to keep building. I look foward to being part of the Kreg community.

Hi, my name is Christopher I live in Wisconsin (go packers). Used to do carpentry projects years ago and would like to get into it again. Kreg tools looks to make some of the things I struggled with much easier so here I am going to buy my jig and do some test pieces then look for a design to build. 


Hi, my name is Vassie and I live in Campobello, SC. I'm retired so that gives me more time for all my hobbies. I've always enjoyed making things with wood and a few years back I got into building guitars. I had to make all the jigs and a wood bender and fabricate all the parts of the guitar. My basement is my shop. There's nothing more relaxing than the smell of fresh saw dust in the morning.

Hi Everyone,

My name is Don, I'm in Central Illinois and I have no experience in building with wood.  I guess I'm a wood builder wanna be.  However, I am interested in learning and trying some things out.  In the process of making a dinner table to accommodate quite a few people who gather at my wife and my home.  I'll return and post a photo or two when I'm done.  

I joined this community to have a place I can read, learn, and ask questions.  I've purchased a quite a few Kreg tools and got some ideas of a few projects I'd like to try.


Check out your local nearby home centers.

Some have a selection of books that you can look thru, to see if there's anything that you can build, at your skill level.

Also, check out your local library.

Don said:

Hi Everyone,

My name is Don, I'm in Central Illinois and I have no experience in building with wood.  I guess I'm a wood builder wanna be.  However, I am interested in learning and trying some things out.  In the process of making a dinner table to accommodate quite a few people who gather at my wife and my home.  I'll return and post a photo or two when I'm done.  

I joined this community to have a place I can read, learn, and ask questions.  I've purchased a quite a few Kreg tools and got some ideas of a few projects I'd like to try.

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