Kreg Owners' Community

There are lots of ways community members have discovered to make their own Pocket-Hole Plugs. Here are a few of the latest ones we've seen... please be sure to post any new ones you find, or concepts you come up with right here in this post where we can keep them organized and discuss how well each method works compared to the others...

Heath Jenkins' Homemade bandsaw jig:




Chief's Flush-Cut Saw Method:




Jens Jensen's Pocket Plug Jig




Rod's Pocket Hole Plug Cutter (you have to buy the bit)

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Here's another method which utilizes a band saw, by member Roger Falconer:

jajajaja really really nice!,

now.... my automation&engineering mind is in a working avalanche state! :D!!

Hi there I was wondering if you made that drill press bit or where did you purchase it?

my emaill address is

Its a plug cutter. It was purchased By Rod from

I am experimenting with the following method:

1. Use a small board with pocket holes drilled.

2. Drill holes thru bottom for screw clearance.

3. Apply paste wax to surface of board

4. Insert pocket hole screws (cut off short).

5. Insert 2 1/16 inches (approx.) length of 3/8 inch D doweling. I found that Oak was “truer” to the 3/8 inch. Pine samples I obtained were irregular. Also, I had to sand corners of dowel pieces where inserted.

6. Use band saw to cut flush to board. This is a real challenge. Still trying to figure a good method to do this without the band saw cutting into the board. The paste wax helps. Also, I had better luck with a 1/8 inch saw blade that seems to have less “wander”. Another problem is “burning” of the pieces that will limit the use of these surfaces for those that are painted, or partially hidden.

7. After sawing, place board in horizontal position in vise, and use punch to drive out the piece and the pocket hole screw.

 A benefit is the “cut-off” pieces can also be used as plugs where less accuracy is needed… I rated these as “B” pieces. The loss of the saw “kerf” introduces some inaccuracy but still can be useable. Perhaps Teflon or some other material could be substituted for the board with less tendency to be cut by the band saw blade. I also considered O rings bonded in place rather than screws. The problem is duplication of the thickness of the screw head…




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