Kreg Owners' Community

I wanted to build a cute little side table that I saw in a furniture magazine.  I knew it would be perfect in my daughters room.  The table included chunky curves and I could tell that a 2 x 10 would be an easy and cheap solution for the wood.  The Kreg pocket hole jig was an essential tool in successfully building the table/s.  I think it tuned out really cute and fun.I've posted the leg pattern and a building tutorial  Side Table if you're interested.

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Hi I wanted to say that your project is well done.  I like the unique way of how the legs makes  graceful turns in arcs and lines of which is eye appealing and not often seen on here.  It is a statement of class and in it's form says much in artistic designs but also says a lot about the one who created it.  Looking at the cuts made in the wood it shows talent and patience in it's build.

It is not always the large projects that show skill but because of it's size, sometimes we just pass it by and fail to stop and really look at the talent it takes to construct something like this.  It is a definite feat in its self just to be able to assemble a project such as this.  The clever way you used screws as a way of leveling that table is just one way that your problem solving is demonstrated.   Thank you for sharing something that is different that the normal things I see posted  on here.

Very nice looking table , really liked the design and the finish, also liked the posted plans , very detailed  and well explained , well done , thanks for sharing your very nice project , JIM !!

Thanks for your kind words Jay!

Jay Boutwell said:

Hi I wanted to say that your project is well done.  I like the unique way of how the legs makes  graceful turns in arcs and lines of which is eye appealing and not often seen on here.  It is a statement of class and in it's form says much in artistic designs but also says a lot about the one who created it.  Looking at the cuts made in the wood it shows talent and patience in it's build.

It is not always the large projects that show skill but because of it's size, sometimes we just pass it by and fail to stop and really look at the talent it takes to construct something like this.  It is a definite feat in its self just to be able to assemble a project such as this.  The clever way you used screws as a way of leveling that table is just one way that your problem solving is demonstrated.   Thank you for sharing something that is different that the normal things I see posted  on here.

james wilhelm said:

Very nice looking table , really liked the design and the finish, also liked the posted plans , very detailed  and well explained , well done , thanks for sharing your very nice project , JIM !!

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