Kreg Owners' Community

Wondering why my local home center stores do not have the K5 on their shelves yet.  This jig came out a couple of months ago.  I ask the store clerks this question and they know nothing.

As of a couple days ago, Menards, Home Depot, and Fleet Farm do not have the K5's.

Lowes is about 35 miles from me so don't know about them.  I noticed the other day Menards now is out of the K4's so now maybe they will have the K5's. 

I have the K3 and K4; might as well have them all.  (rather buy in store than on-line)

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Perhaps they haven't ordered them for the stores.

I'd suggest checking with the dept manager vs one of the stock persons.

When I recently visited one of the local HD, I inquired about the K5, and was told it's not on their inventory list, as of yet.  Perhaps the corporate buyers have yet to order them and add them to their inventory.

I find this a common occurance with some big box stores.

Some people at corporate, don't have a clue. 

I've noticed the Rockler stores stock the K5.

Rockler can ship from their HQ warehouse.

Funny thing is guys we do have the k5 here in the u.k. Usually takes us a while too get kreg products here .

Currently, the K5 is being stocked mainly through independent dealers, online retailers, and specialty stores. Most of the home centers are stocking the K4 Jigs, instead.

if you'd like to find a dealer in your area that carries the K5, you can use our dealer locator:

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