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Not a woodworking question, more a woodworker question .Anyone heard from jay lately ?

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Hi Mick and those who have wondered.

I have been ill for the past weeks and still recovering.  It all started when I got a flu shot the Friday before Christmas.  Within 24 hours I began having headaches that were like ice cream type.  It landed me in the ER Room on Christmas Eve for a shot in the neck to stop the pain.  Christmas day I broke out with shingles on the right side of my face and into the right eye.  It caused me to closed down my wood working business until I recover as well as having to stay off the computer and the TV watching.

This has continued up until now and I am still recovering.  Shingles is something that you do not want to get.  It is the most painful thing you can get and there is really no way of being totally pain free.  For about a month I was getting attacks that were nerve endings that like hot coals placed on you face and head that lasted anywhere from three to five minutes.  I have experienced a lot of pain before during my younger years but these would put me down.  These would happen from a slight breeze or touch and even light in the eyes and other unknown causes and as many as 10 to 12 times during the day and night.

My current status is recovering with swelling in the right eye and double vision and nerve headaches.  Doctors are waiting to see if the sight returns to normal after the swelling goes down.  My eyes are sensitive to light and I am not supposed to be on a computer of even look at a TV screen, but it has been a long time since I have visited the Kreg Community and I have several e-mails from friends that I need to address.   So please be patient and I will get to you your e-mails as soon as I can.

I wanted to thank everyone who expressed some thoughts of caring.  I will be back soon to pester everyone and at least be active again.  I have missed everyone and from the looks of the posts there is a large amount of great projects to look at.  See you all soon!!!!!!      My advise to all is to mind the medical warnings and get a shingles shot , Jay

Hi JAY ,  yes you have been missed on the site , thank,s for letting us all know  how you are doing , .wishing you a  good recovery and soon , try to have a good day , JIM !!

Just stopping in to wish Jay a speedy recovery!   Oh MY!   sounds like a horrible ordeal and I hope your posted update is a indication that things have turned a corner for you and you will be back to your ole' self in no time.

Hang in there!

Hi jay ,my dad had shingles on his back not nice ,pleased too hear from our woodworking guru get well soon .

Hi Jay,

Missed you.

Thanks for posting.

Great to hear from you.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Hi Jay,

so glad to hear from you!  I don't have health insurance right now but when I do get it, I will talk to the doctor about the shingles shot!!!  That sounds so horrible!  Don't ever want to get that!  I hope you are recovering and feeling better soon.  It has been quite a while and hopefully it has run it's course and you will be feeling good in no time.  I hope the double vision corrects itself soon.  thanks for letting everyone know how you are doing.  I'm also wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!  Take care of yourself.

Hi All, I was on the community for a short while yesterday and I am really impressed with some of the projects   that you are turning out. 

I have received several inquiries as to my recovery from the shingles so I will up date my status.  I wish to Thank every one for your caring and words of encouragement.

My condition is as follows:  The shingles has left me with what is called PHN.  That is the after effects of shingles of which is nerve damage and pains to areas that it attacked.  I have double vision in the right eye caused by the koster virus and both eyes are very sensitive to light from a computer screen, TV or bright light.  Doctors fear that to much light will cause further damage to the nerves in the right eye so my time on a computer or TV is very limited at this time.  If I over do it I get the extreme pains in the right eye and headaches that last for a long length of time. 

PHN can last from one to three months and even longer and some effects never go away.  I have an appointment with the Casey Eye Clinic in Portland on May 16 th to see what they can do with the nerve damage in the right eye.  They are waiting until then in hopes that the PHN goes away or at least settles down.  Casey Eye Clinic Is a highly rated specialty that deals with difficult eye problems and surgery of all types.  

Since I have only one eye, it messes with the depth perception and there fore the use of any power tool with a blade is a big NO NO, my shop work is very limited to no power tools and a short length of time in the shop. I did assemble one project of which I had the parts all cut to size before I got sick.  I still need to build doors and add the finish.  I will post it sometime this summer providing I can use a table saw and router table to build the doors.  It was a temptation to start cutting door parts but I am fearful of cutting something off on the saw so building the doors will wait.

 I do miss everyone and hope to be able to use a computer at longer lengths of time soon.

Again Thank every one for the encouragement and caring.  Please if anyone learns anything from my ordeal, do not take the medical warnings about shingles lightly, as I can tell you that it is a sneaky and nasty disease with lasting effects that can alter your life.   Hope to be back soon.

Hi Jay,

Great to hear from you.

Thanks for posting and the update.

Miss ya man.

Get well soon, if not sooner.

Good to hear from you jay ,glad your making progress mick.

So sorry to hear the news Jay -- couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Hate to ruffle a few feathers, but my sister worked with a guy who died from the flu shot.  Perfectly healthy, father of four, who HAD to get the shot for work.  Unfortunately flu shots, like all drugs, come with side effects.  The mainstream media is not reporting these, however, since that would be "irresponsible" journalism.

Jay, I pray you have a speedy and quick recovery.


Hey Jay!  I hope you're feeling better!  It's not the same when you're not around!


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