Kreg Owners' Community

Hi.  I just go the Adaptive Cutting System and setting it up.  This is my first track saw.

On saw calibration, the Kreg video says it "should" be calibrated.  Mine is not.  Just curious if anyone else got one and if it was calibrated.

For calibration, Out of the box, the dial is on -1.  If I move it to 0 and lock in with the bevel locks it is square.  I want to make sure I should get it to zero with the set screws on the bottom, then I adjust the the dial to zero after.

is the -1 used when you flip the two -1 bevel overide from 0 to minus 1?  



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I'd suggest contacting Customer Service/Tech Support 800-447-8638

Please contact our team at 800-447-8638 or - They will be happy to assist you with this. Thanks!

I contacted support and been going back and forth on calibration.

I have the saw set up and the accuracy over 48" is 1/32" - One end of the 48" piece is 1/32" wider than the other.  I calibrated the track 3 times to see if I can get better.  Can see the slight adjustments in the kerf.  

On the third time, I did not just use the versa stops.  Instead, I took a square and drew a line on a 2’ x 2’ sheet of plywood to make sure the track was square to the plywood.  I used the Versa Stops first starting on the outfeed end.  I then went to the infeed and used the versa stops.  But then I also fine tuned it with the line I drew on the plywood. Getting the anti chip strip to line up with the line as best I could.  It took some playing.


In the end, the anti chip strip is around 1/32 off the versa stop on the infeed side and touching on the outfeed side.

I then took a 43” piece and cut a strip around 1".  I measure on each end and the center with a micrometer and got the same measurement in all three spots.  I did a two more cuts only 24" strips and within 1/64 on each cut.

I then did a two more 24" cuts and they are around 1/32" off from one end to the other.  I did not make any adjustments and track looks the same touching  the versa stop on the outfeed and around 1/32 from the infeed versa stop.

Support said 1/32 is the best it should do and is in tolerance.  This is my firs track saw so cant compare it to another.    

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