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Has anyone used the Kreg Jig to frame for a soffit.  I am looking for the easiest way to extend an existing soffit in my kitchen by about 6.5ft.  I've never framed before, it looks fairly straight forward... is it difficult????

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Hi Laura, I would use the jig and assemble the thing on the floor and then just lift the whole thing in place, 6 1/2 ft shouldn't be to heavy. Biggest issue is whether it runs perpendicular or parallel to the studing.

I haven't done it. But, we filmed the soffit build that Kreg shows on TV. It was quite basic. Cut the pieces, drill the holes, put it together.


Key is getting the jig set at the right height for the board width & using the right screws for everything involved. On the set we used 2x4's for almost structural quality.

I have used the kreg jig for soffit framing.  It creates a rock-solid frame.  If you're working alone, then you need to frame out the parts on the ground and do final assembly in the air.  it's actually very easy to do and not as hard as it seems at face value.  If you have extra pairs of hands, then by all means, assemble everything on the ground and put it in place in one big piece.  Not sure where you are "soffiting," but the other advantage of a Kreg jig is if you plan ahead, you can put pocket holes where you need to attach the soffit to other interior framing so it beats toe-nailing hands down. 

Thank you everyone for your replies ... this is where I want to extend the soffit.  I want to add some cabinets and extending the soffit would be necessary. 



This shouldn't be so hard to do... just from the existing soffit to the door frame.   Can this be done???

You wouldn't happen to know if that is on YouTube or online somewhere??  Would you have the link???  I have an infomercial of Kreg's on my dvr... do you know when it aired???

Thanks.... Laura


gdatomic said:

I haven't done it. But, we filmed the soffit build that Kreg shows on TV. It was quite basic. Cut the pieces, drill the holes, put it together.


Key is getting the jig set at the right height for the board width & using the right screws for everything involved. On the set we used 2x4's for almost structural quality.



   Looking at the picture - I think if you were going to extend the cabinets all the way across, you could just build the cabinets on the floor and mount them to the existing wall like a normal cabinet. 

Todd... it would look odd since I had to move my refrigerator out from underneath the existing soffit when I wanted to add a dishwasher to my kitchen... so my fridge is partially under the soffit and about 2/3 of it isn't... it looks off... so I wanted to add some cabinets to sort of build in the fridge and extending the soffit will help it blend in....


Todd G said:



   Looking at the picture - I think if you were going to extend the cabinets all the way across, you could just build the cabinets on the floor and mount them to the existing wall like a normal cabinet. 

ok so I was trying to avoid showing my messy fridge and butcher job I did on cutting that cabinet to put it back up.. but I needed the storage desperately... so the plan is to take down that cabinet.. and build new on both sides and above the fridge... and to do so I would have no choice but to extend the soffit.  Maybe I can beg my brother who is a carpenter to do it for me... but he is sooo busy he doesn't have time to do his own to do list... and I really want to use my new Kreg Jig to do something and say... Look what I did!!
Super easy to do!! Just measure the existing soffit and subtract 1/2 inch from front to back for the drywall on the face. Just srew framing into wall studs and ceiling joists. You can use your Kreg Jig to build it and then to build the cabinets!! Good luck!!
Thanks Ryan.  I hope to get started on this project soon.  I am sure I'll have more questions along the way!!

Ryan McAllister said:
Super easy to do!! Just measure the existing soffit and subtract 1/2 inch from front to back for the drywall on the face. Just srew framing into wall studs and ceiling joists. You can use your Kreg Jig to build it and then to build the cabinets!! Good luck!!

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