Kreg Owners' Community

Is there a screw size matrix available for the Kreg Jig that tells me if my rail (the piece with the pocket holes) thickness is "x" and if my stile thickness is "y" then the size screw needed is "z?"

For instance, if my "rail" is 1-1/2" thick and my "stile" is 1-1/8" thick what size pocket hole screw should I use?


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Good question. This is actually something we've been in the process of putting together over the past few days. The settings referenced in the attached document are still being tested and reviewed by our team of internal engineers and woodworking experts at Kreg. Please use at your own discretion and always do a trial run first with test pieces if possible.

This is not an official document yet... but I guess that's one of the perks of being a member of the Kreg Jig Owners' Community... you get information before it's even made public!


P.S. For more information regarding Kreg Screws, and choosing the right one for the job, visit
i can't open the xls file
what program do i need?
Ron Hootman said:
i can't open the xls file
what program do i need?

Ron, the document in question is a spreadsheet created with Microsoft Excel. You will need Microsoft Excel or a comparable alternative (Open Office, Google Docs, Apple Numbers) to see it properly.

We're hoping to have an web version up on sometime in the not-to-distant future.
This is EXACTLY what I am looking for!!


KregRep said:
Good question. This is actually something we've been in the process of putting together over the past few days. The settings referenced in the attached document are still being tested and reviewed by our team of internal engineers and woodworking experts at Kreg. Please use at your own discretion and always do a trial run first with test pieces if possible.

This is not an official document yet... but I guess that's one of the perks of being a member of the Kreg Jig Owners' Community... you get information before it's even made public!


P.S. For more information regarding Kreg Screws, and choosing the right one for the job, visit
Last night as I gave further thought to this, remember to think of the application where someone could adjoin the face of a table top to the legs. Some of the leg styles are a good size dimensionally. As previously mentioned this is on the right track.

One other point I would like to make. I received an email reply from an individual from your company last week (I will not name this person here) who sent me the following email:

"Dear Stanley,

We do not have a chart like what you are referring to. This is due to the fact that our jig is designed to be used with two boards the same thickness. However, you can use it in different situations like you are referring. The way you will set up your jig is going to depend on what your situation is. If the piece you are drilling into is thinner than the receiving piece you will set it up for the thickness of the piece you are drilling into and use a longer screw. However, if the receiving piece is thinner than the piece you are drilling into you will set up your jig for the thickness of the thinner piece then use the screw length for the thinner piece. Hopefully this makes sense, if not please let us know."

Please communicate with your technical staff about projects like this being worked on within your company. Honestly, the email just confused matters.


KregRep said:
Good question. This is actually something we've been in the process of putting together over the past few days. The settings referenced in the attached document are still being tested and reviewed by our team of internal engineers and woodworking experts at Kreg. Please use at your own discretion and always do a trial run first with test pieces if possible.

This is not an official document yet... but I guess that's one of the perks of being a member of the Kreg Jig Owners' Community... you get information before it's even made public!


P.S. For more information regarding Kreg Screws, and choosing the right one for the job, visit
Stanley, I think you spoke with someone in our customer service department. The answer they gave you at that time was exactly correct. All of our publications and customer service advice given up until this point have been regarding joining like-sized materials, and we had previously left up to the customer to make the correct adaptations to compensate for varying stock thicknesses. However, at this time we're attempting to put something more thorough together. Unfortunately, there are a lot of variables involved and it's not a 'one-day or one-person project! It's a work in progress, but it should be helpful once complete.

Thanks for your great questions! Remember to post photos of your projects, especially if you do some work with variable stock thicknesses. We'd like to hear what worked for you. Good luck and good woodworking!
It has been several months since this document was first posted. I was wondering if the testing has been completed and whether there are any updatres or changes to the initial spreadsheet?

KregRep said:
Good question. This is actually something we've been in the process of putting together over the past few days. The settings referenced in the attached document are still being tested and reviewed by our team of internal engineers and woodworking experts at Kreg. Please use at your own discretion and always do a trial run first with test pieces if possible.

This is not an official document yet... but I guess that's one of the perks of being a member of the Kreg Jig Owners' Community... you get information before it's even made public!


P.S. For more information regarding Kreg Screws, and choosing the right one for the job, visit

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