Kreg Owners' Community

How do I put pocket holes in 1x2 when I want to join a 1x2 with another 1x2 long ways?

I want to make a tall corner of 1x2s (front face and side) on a dresser I am building.

When I try, the bit starts in the top of the 1x2 and is visible.

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The pocket hole is longer than 1-1/2", so you will always have the issue if you are trying to drill square to the face.  You can try  clamping  the jig at an angle so the hole starts entirely on the inside face, probably around 45 degrees.  You will have to use longer screws to join the two pieces, and use several clamps to hold the two pieces together while you drive the screws.   I would be concerned about breakout on the opposite face.

For stock that narrow, you might try the Micro.  I'm not sure about the length of the pocket hole with the micro (I've only used mine once to join some 1/2" drawer sides.)  You might also consider joining them with alternate methods (glue or biscuits).

Pocket holes can be plugged---install the plug---

cut it flush, and finish.

Gluing a joint like that will be strong enough without mechanical fasteners. Just use a good quality wood glue and plenty of clamps. 

I really like pictures to clarify the's too easy to give an answer that doesn't apply to what you meant.

Assuming that your 1x2's are 3/4 inch thick, then set your drill guide and stop collar to 3/4" and use 1 1/4" screws.  It's the same as making a face frame except joining the two pieces long ways instead of at 90 degrees.  To add a little additional strength, put another pocket hole on the reverse side since you are screwing into end grain.  Then plug both sides for a clean look.

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