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Hi my name is Adam. I have always wanted to create built in furniture. When I learned about the Kreg system I felt it was something I could tackle.  I just Finished a series of shelves, dressers, and a desk in my daughters room. posted under Adam T. I splurged and bought the Foreman, but it was well worth it. The project required the construction of 11 cabinet boxes, let alone the face frames. I also used a plate joiner where needed and I used a dovetail jig for the drawers.Between Kreg and a few other vendors on the web the project exceeded my expectations. The most challenging part was the finishing. Each piece is sealed and has at least 2 and sometime 3 coats of paint. I used an hvlp conversion gun. Paint grade was a good beginning for me. I hope my next project will be stain grade.


Really nice work Adam. Looks like it was done by an experienced woodworker to me.  I've always wanted to be able to do work like that. Since childhood I have had lots of tools and done lots of work with wood but never on a "finished product" level. Your daughter's room definitely has a finished product look. Great work.


Adam T said:

Hi my name is Adam. I have always wanted to create built in furniture. When I learned about the Kreg system I felt it was something I could tackle.  I just Finished a series of shelves, dressers, and a desk in my daughters room. posted under Adam T. I splurged and bought the Foreman, but it was well worth it. The project required the construction of 11 cabinet boxes, let alone the face frames. I also used a plate joiner where needed and I used a dovetail jig for the drawers.Between Kreg and a few other vendors on the web the project exceeded my expectations. The most challenging part was the finishing. Each piece is sealed and has at least 2 and sometime 3 coats of paint. I used an hvlp conversion gun. Paint grade was a good beginning for me. I hope my next project will be stain grade.

This is great work :-).

Thanks for your nice comments folks. It was a labor of love.

Hi from grampa tom in coastal maine

I am looking for suggestions on making a attaching table legs and aprons for a small kitchen table 48x30. I have had great success w my Kreg for face frames and have built an assembly table using Kreg accessories. Have not been able to locate previous discussions on this topic on this web site

You may want to look into the HD screws, they are larger and stronger - often used for outdoor projects.

Hi folks.  Name is Stuart.  Nice to meet you all!  :)

I am currently living in Japan.  I have always done small odds and ends around the house and am no pro by any means.  I recently bought a house and there are a couple of projects that I want to do after the reform is finished.  So, I decided to track down a Kreg jig and see what I could do.  

Great community you have here.  Thanks for having me!


My name is Bob and I live in Sumner, WA.  I've just begun woodworking and using the Kreg tools.  I'm doing deck rails now and plan to re-do my deck next.  I also see other items/projects to add to my list.  I appreciate having such a well of knowledge available in such a friendly atmosphere to draw from as I progress and look forward to the Community involvement.


My name is Eric, and I'm from San Luis Obispo CA. I just got started with wood working, as I have never owned my own tools before. My first project was an end table, that I build with my Kreg Jig, out of wine barrels and oak staves. I gave it to my wife as a gift on our wedding day, which was great to offer, as she always told me that her future husband needs to build her a table.

I have many more future projects in mind, but I thought this was a fun way to get started. I'm looking forward to getting inspired with new tips!

Hi.  I'm Angela from Northern California.  I'm a novice at woodworking but am pretty experienced with electronics and general home maintenance/improvement.  I learned a lot from my Dad growing up about mechanics and have taught myself how to do a few things around my home like building a fence.  I bought my jig to try to take my skills/projects to the next level.  I joined this community because I saw all the project pictures and got really inspired. 

I'm David from Washington State.  No real projects yet as we are putting the shop together.

Hello.  New to Kreg tools and excited about getting started with all these cool projects.  I am from Columbus, IN.  

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