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Pretty impressive. Sorry, we reserved Brits find the "awesome" word difficult!

But really great to see women actively involved with what has been a traditional men only area.  Looking forward to seeing the finished console table.

Thanks, Charles. It's always funny to see people's reactions when my husband tells them all the power tools in our garage belong to his wife. :)

I just posted some previous projects to my page, looking forward to getting started on my foyer table!

Hi, my name is JoAnn and I live in Hamburg, NY.

I have been into woodworking for almost two years now and am loving it.  I am retired and am a DIY person .  This has been the most challenging for me but the first thing I built was turning an old dresser into a kitchen Island for my daughter and that got me hooked into woodworking.   I just finished 4 adirondack chairs and I am so pleased how they turned out.   I am in the process of making a paint spray booth that I found on you tube and hopefully it will make the spray painting a lot easier and less mess to clean up.  I love my kreg pocket hole jig and also the multi square.   Looking forward to making a lot more DIY.  Love seeing what everyone is making and all the helpful hints.

Hi, my name is JoAnn and I live in Hamburg, NY. I have been into woodworking for almost two years now and am loving it.  I am retired and am a DIY person .  This has been the most challenging for me but the first thing I built was turning an old dresser into a kitchen island for my daughter and then I was hooked onto DIY.


My name is Robert and I am from Missouri.  I have done a few projects in the past nothing to crazy or ambitious.  Done some restoration work to my wifes great grandparents old table and buffet also a toy box for my boys.  Finally got a jig I bought the Master toolbox collection plus the shelf pin jig and right angle clamp.  Found it all on sale at Grizzly so I couldn't resist.  Look forward to building different things and sharing and hopefully getting some good feedback to help myself get better.

Wow looks fantastic!

JoAnn Duggan said:

Hi, my name is JoAnn and I live in Hamburg, NY. I have been into woodworking for almost two years now and am loving it.  I am retired and am a DIY person .  This has been the most challenging for me but the first thing I built was turning an old dresser into a kitchen island for my daughter and then I was hooked onto DIY.

Hello, my name is Terry. New to woodworking and I thought the Kreg system looked like it would be a good starter point. I am living in Florida on the Gulf coast and the humidity rusts almost all the metal patio furniture.  I thought wood would be better than plastic, so I jumped in.

Hi Terry:

Welcome to the woodworking hobby.   I love the Kreg Jigs and they make it much easier for a beginner woodworker as well as an experienced worker.  You can make great patio furniture using the kreg pocket jig.


Terry Johnson said:

Hello, my name is Terry. New to woodworking and I thought the Kreg system looked like it would be a good starter point. I am living in Florida on the Gulf coast and the humidity rusts almost all the metal patio furniture.  I thought wood would be better than plastic, so I jumped in.

Hi Joann...thanks for the welcome.

I was attempting to make the outdoor chair that came with the K4 system, but ran into a problem.  I was using the 3/4 inch depth guide and the 3/4 inch setting on the collar to the drill bit, and using 1X4 wood.  I measured the width of the wood to be 3/4 inch so I thought things would work fine.  When I attempted to put the seat together I found the screw coming out of the facing board as it is was too deep.  Guess I will have to go back to square one and figure out what I was doing wrong.  I tried to get on the forum and chat to ask a question, but no one seems to answer.   But anyway, thanks for the welcome.


JoAnn Duggan said:

Hi Terry:

Welcome to the woodworking hobby.   I love the Kreg Jigs and they make it much easier for a beginner woodworker as well as an experienced worker.  You can make great patio furniture using the kreg pocket jig.


Terry Johnson said:

Hello, my name is Terry. New to woodworking and I thought the Kreg system looked like it would be a good starter point. I am living in Florida on the Gulf coast and the humidity rusts almost all the metal patio furniture.  I thought wood would be better than plastic, so I jumped in.

Hi This is for Terry Johnson.  As a sure way and short cut to setting the depth of the bit I use just a plain old nickel.  Lay the nickel on the base of the jig and then insert the bit, without the drill , lowering it down on top of the nickel.  The move the stop collar so that it will stop the bit at this point and it will cure the problem of over drilling the  holes.  This is how I use the jigs and it makes it a whole lot simpler.  Sorry I did not see your chat attempt until after you signed off.    Welcome to the community and hope you will enjoy your membership here.  It is nice to have you with us.

Thanks, Jay.  I appreciate the help!


Hello,my name is Charlie. I have really never done much woodworking but my dad has always done it for stress relief. So here I am just starting and my dad suggested I get the Kreg Jig as one of the first purchases I should make. My daughter needs a book case at college so I will be attempting that project soon. I live in east Texas.

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