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My name is John and I live in central Indiana.  I used to help my grandpa around his woodshop and now it is time for me to start up.  It's been a while so I'm basically brand new to the craft.  I look forward to sharing other's experiences and learning.

Good day All. 

My name is Dave Allison and i consider myself as an intermediate level wood worker. Or as my wife calls me her project boy as I am always doing her projects for her.  As i said in the beginning i am a Disabled veteran with a number of limitations so i depend on many jigs and devices i hate to say.  Wood working takes the edge off and allows me to do what i love as long as i go slow.  My current project is a King size headboard.  Ill add a photo once i find a camera.


I look forward to learning lots and enjoying information with folks who think like i do about wood.


dave allison said:

Good day All. 

My name is Dave Allison and i consider myself as an intermediate level wood worker. Or as my wife calls me her project boy as I am always doing her projects for her.  As i said in the beginning i am a Disabled veteran with a number of limitations so i depend on many jigs and devices i hate to say.  Wood working takes the edge off and allows me to do what i love as long as i go slow.  My current project is a King size headboard.  Ill add a photo once i find a camera.


I look forward to learning lots and enjoying information with folks who think like i do about wood.


Hey Dave,

"so I depend on many jigs and devices"  Not to worry my friend. In one way or another we all  " depend" on something , a smile. a hello, an encouraging word. and/or the sun to come up/ the rain to fall. Whatever gets you to what or where you want or need to be is the important thing.

We all do the best we can with what we got.

A heartfelt thanks for your service from mine to yours.


Greetings, All!

I'm from the Upstate NY (Albany) area.   Consider myself a fairly accomplished DIY'er, with major projects completed including an 1100 s.f. addition to my house, where the ONLY contracted work was excavation, foundation, and ceramic tile.  (Had an instructor in community college many years ago that told me that my last name didn't have enough vowels in it for me to work with concrete or mortar.)  ;^)

Anyway, starting to get into "finish" work, and have a few projects on the burners that will be best completed with pocket screws, which is what sent me to Kreg.   Previously, my only joinery has been with my biscuit cutter.  

When I signed-up for this forum, earlier today, I didn't own a Kreg jig, but this evening, I ordered a Toolboxx kit (from Rockler) that includes an R3.  In addition, I ordered a K5, so I'll be all set to start on my projects, right after I get done butchering some wood learning how to use the tool.  

Other interests include 40 years in the fire service, camping, fly-fishing, NA$CAR, and the consumption of cold, adult, carbonated beverages, particularly from small brew pubs and craft beer establishments.   Many know me as "Fire Instructor" on a variety of other forums…..

Looking forward to picking your brains, learning what I can, and contributing where I can….

Hello,M name is Russ and I live in Mo.  Im retired and now have the time to play in the wool shop.  hope to get ideals from you all.

Hello all, thanks for allowing me in!! My name is Russell, I live in southern Mississippi. My family has always been into diy, grandfathers were carpenters and construction workers/builders, father was a salesman, but always done wood work in his spare time. I worked with my brother in law for a few years in home construction .
When my father retired he purchased a sawmill and we started cutting lumber for ourselves and others. If he cut get a board from a log/tree he would saw it up, no matter the type of tree!
Cancer took dad from us a few years ago and now I am running the sawmill and trying to use up all the lumber we have sawed, building everything from little trinket boxes to chest and tables to putting tung and groove boards on walls.
I am always interested in learning tips and tricks to improve and enhance the quality of a finished project.

Hello I am Paul Living in Nova Scotia Canada ..From Newfoundland Canada -- I have been picking at  the wood work for a few years now too many to count.. Have not use my craig Jig a lot except for face frames and a couple cabinets. Have a work shop 32 x 32 two story to pick in. Have a few tools as my better half tell me its not tools it is toys..

Hi, My name is Doug and I live in North East North Carolina. I have been into woodworking for a long time.Over the years many pieces of furniture,toys and a plethora of other items have been made.I have used dowels, biscuits and just purchased the Master Kreg System and look forward to using it for my latest project remodeling our kitchen with a couple made to fit cabinets and redoing all the cabinet doors.

Hey everyone my name I Mike and I live in San Pedro, Ca. and I am new to woodworking. I have all ways had other people or helped them fix or build things around my home. Well the kids are out in college and so I decided to clean out garage and start my journey. Not completely finished yet but very close to main project.  So I got my Kreg jig and ready for it to help me with my first major job a mobile workbench. Look forward to see what the future brings. 

Your shop sounds at the very least roomy. I am putting together my shop now and it is the same size except only one story. The previous owner of the shop used it for his race cars. There are two big doors on the side. I am planning on building a finishing room around one of the doors. I need more of a controlled environment than what I have for varnishing and such. But I really related to the tools. MY better half makes sure I have toys and projects to stay out of her hair! LOL
Paul Curtis said:

Hello I am Paul Living in Nova Scotia Canada ..From Newfoundland Canada -- I have been picking at  the wood work for a few years now too many to count.. Have not use my craig Jig a lot except for face frames and a couple cabinets. Have a work shop 32 x 32 two story to pick in. Have a few tools as my better half tell me its not tools it is toys..

Hi my name is Rich and I live In Rhode Island. I have been DIY woodworker for many years. I have yet to purchase the Kreg Jig but it will be my Christmas gift to myself and I am ready to get started with it as soon as I get it

Hi neighbor; I'm in Wallingford CT and I can tell you that the kreg jig is that most valued tool in my shop. Good luck and have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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