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Just thought I would start a discussion on woodworkers real jobs. It would be fun to no if there are lots of professional people using Kreg Jig along with people  like myself a retired  construction worker.

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Retired from the Air Force and now work at the Dept of Veterans Affairs as a teller.
Hi Jim,obviously by my name i'm from Memphis tn. I am a aircraft mechanic for Delta .But I have been many things in my life .I am just happy to fix or build things regardless of what.I come by wood working honestly my dad "makes wood chips" lol and my grandfathers have been woodworkers as well. Unfortunately i have never gotten to do wood working with the grand fathers but do enjoy "making wood chips" spending time with dad.I have subsequently passed the wood bug on to 3-4 other friends so we can all share in the fun and collaborate on large projects. i too enjoy reading others posts and seeing pics some times they inspire projects ...

Thanks Pat   cant wait to see some of your chips


I am a semi-retired home restoration general contractor/carpenter. I have been building a workshop since the 50's when I was mainly into auto repair, then into factory machinery maintanance and fire equipment service before starting home restoration. My shop is equiped with most wood working machines and an array of metal working machinery also. Most of my equipment was brought used and I reconditioned to work for me. The shop is small 12' x 25' but most equipment is on wheels. It is now my place for retreat as I make things for home. I also make things of all nature for my church. I live in a NW suburb of Chicago.
I am a retired electrician from GM and now work a part-time job as an electrical associate at a nearby Home Depot. I live in middle TN about 50 miles south of Nashville. I have been a hobby woodworker for most of my adult life. I have a small shop and use the Shopsmith as my primary tool with all it's add ons - band saw w/Kreg Fence, belt sander, speed reducer, universal tool rest system, joiner, and have a few other powered bench tools along with a multitude of smaller electric, battery and hand tools. I dabble in things from building wood toys for my grand children, turning projects, and whatever else the need may arise to build. Just recently made a small mini chicken coop for my flock of 6 hens-now just waiting for them to start laying eggs. Also dabble in a small kitchen garden.
Hi! I'm from Kansas City and I run a computer helpdesk call in center. We fix pc's over the phone! Oh yeah...and the father of a teenage girl. Kreg jigs are good thar pee!
I'm a computer scientist with 16 yrs I.T. sales experience.  Seems to be a common theme... :)
That is a common trade . I have friends down in Science Hill Ky
I've been working for the government for the past 20 plus years, and USMC before that. I've always loved woodworking since I was knee high to a grasshopper, my shop is in my basement with limited space, but I make do with what I have. Eventually I'm gonna build a 3 bay garage with one bay dedicated for the shop so I can move all these tools out of the basement and finish that area.
Dan - similarly I manage a helpdesk and several techs for about 4000 users spread across the US along with construction projects for the company (Architecture degree, but have been in IT for about 20 years now).  Love to design and build furniture, cabinets, whatever the wife wants; however living in Texas most of my wood working is the winter when the shop is not 120 degrees in the shade.

Dan Fiorito said:
Dan from Thunder Bay ON Canada

By day I'm a mild mannered IT Geek who looks after about 500+ workstations, a 1/2 dozen servers! Woodworking is a great stress reliever for me. Unfortunately in my neck of the woods (Northern Ontario) my garage is not heated so my woodworking is limited to the warmer months, usually May - Sept/Oct and this year spring has come early so I'm about to start up again!
I'm an assistant to a university president, a mom and grandma.  The daughter of a cabinet maker, sister to 3 cabinet makers, and my husband was a cabinet maker.  But, back in "those days" women helped out in the kitchen, not in the shop!  When my husband passed away two years ago, despite my full time job, I had way too much time on my hands.  So, I dusted off his equipment and started building.  I'm having such fun with my new-found skills.
Way to  go girl live the tradition

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