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Hello, My name is Don. I own a custom cabinet shop here in town. I mainly build cabinetry for high end houses in the area. Since I'm a one manshow, 2 or 3 jobs are about all I can handle a year and at 67 I'll soon be retiring. Next tool up will be a powermatic mortise machine and a Kreg router table /w a beaded faceframe setup. Always wanted to build craftsman and mission style furniture in my golden years. I have the venue as far as other equip and the shop so what the heck after 40 years in this racket I deserve a fine mission style coffee table.

Just used a Kreg Jig for the first time last week and had to buy my own.  With help from my dad he's showing me all kinds of things to do.  I hope to save a lot of money doing my kitchen and bathroom.

One thing I learned a long time ago is the old rule of "measure twice, cut once."  I take it a step farther and take several measurements.  I was replacing a counter top and using laminate.  I found the side walls to be not at all  even.   I measured at the back and front sides and several more in between.  It ended up fitting pretty well...laminate can't really be cut too easily when the measurements are on the "wavy"


Good luck with your renovations. 

I live in Luling, LA and I am self-employed but semi retired. I have developed software for over 40 years.


I have built several pieces of my furniture and last Christmas, I built a keyboard stand for my granddaughter using my Kreg K3. We recently built a new house and we did a lot of the work. At my previous house of over 30 years, I used the Kreg to construct shutters for my windows that can be closed for storms.


I also have made Muzzle Loaders and Knives.

Beware fellow kreg Users


A sleeper has been found in our family, a software developer has been profiled that uses real hardware tools Muzzle loaders and knives, scary !!

Be afraid be very afraid


Otherwise a warm welcome to you Joe


Robert Brennan

In Aust  and




(out of muzzle loader range,...............hopefully

hello. my name is glenn, and i do have a kreg jeg pocket hole jointer. i think it is great. i just recently started on wood working projects. i have built a dinning table with 8 stools. 2. coffie tables and 4 end stands. a gun rack. a childs rocking chair. and a few other things. i find that the kreg jeg pocket hole jointer is a very important tool in my wood working projects.
Hi, my name is Robert Newport. I live in Westlake Village, CA and I'm new to pocket hole joinery. I've done a lot of home improvement projects over the years and it seems to be escalating recently. Some of my projects have included doing hardwood stairs & railing, a Mission-style entertainment center and reworking some old cabinet doors by cutting out the centers of the front panel, gluing in some bead-board paneling and finishing off with molding to complete the job. I'm looking forward to trying out the Mini Kreg jig that I bought. It certainly looks like a great solution for joinery work.
Hi, Ed Ronan here in sunny Portsmouth Virginia. Getting ready to start my 3rd Kreg assisted project. First was a shelving unit for my daughters bedroom. It fit at the end of her bed and allowed room to house her guinea pigs and tailor made it so she could open the door at the foot of her bed. She found the guinea pigs to be to much work and adopted them out. Next was a VIV (vivariam?) to house her bearded dragons with a triple shelve unit to hold them. Now the wife wants more space for an additional Rottweiler cage in our dinning room. The fun never ends here on the farm. I would like to ask if I'm doing the shelving right. I'm looking for strength as the shelves will be holding 100 lbs and above. I use 2x2's and 2x4's as my frame work with center cross beams and 1/2 to 3/4" plywood. will send pictures
Nice, I've been thinking about a gun rack myself. Any pictures of yours?

glenn faircloth said:
hello. my name is glenn, and i do have a kreg jeg pocket hole jointer. i think it is great. i just recently started on wood working projects. i have built a dinning table with 8 stools. 2. coffie tables and 4 end stands. a gun rack. a childs rocking chair. and a few other things. i find that the kreg jeg pocket hole jointer is a very important tool in my wood working projects.


I am a dentist but I like wood works 

I am so proud to join with all of you

Hello,My name is Buddy Hampsher, from Foley, Al, a few miles from the beautiful Gulf Coast.  Been a novice wood

worker for years.  Purchased a kreg jig and very interested in making a poker table with it, along with coffee tables and cabinets.  I have access to a whole shop of machinery, wood shaper, industrial size table saw, planers the whole nine yards.  Can't wait to build something nice. Watch for Pics.  Later.

Have not done any wood working since high school.  Loved it back then.  Bought a bunch of tools to get started again.  Will be watching a lot of videos to see how to best complete tasks.  Hope to slowly move up the ladder of project difficulty.  I have a Kreg precision router table, Kreg pocket hole jig, Kreg precision miter gauge.  Planer, jointer, (old) Sears table saw, chop saw, routers, sanders, a few clamps, drill press, and a few hand tools.  Woodworking is what I plan to do when I retire in a few years.  Right now I am building VERY simple things on weekends.  I look forward to sharing ideas and "issues".   

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Product Reviews

The Pocket Hole Joinery Book - Review

Posted by Daris R. on August 27, 2024 at 8:29pm

New Kreg 720Pro

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First the docking station is extremely cheap. The plastic is pathetic. A Lego has more…


Posted by Duke Leon on February 15, 2021 at 9:00pm

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