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Hello I am Michael Edwards, and I just bought my Kreg Jig last week. This coming weekend I plan to attach the skirts to legs for the base of my shadow box wine cork end tables. I have never built furniture before, so am a bit nervous about how to ensure these bases are square when I get done. Does anyone have any tips?
Hello everyone.  I am Greg Hooper from Vermont and am very interested learning more of the finer points re: wood working and various projects.  In an earlier life, I was fortunate to work summers between college semesters as a house builder, generally under the tutelage of several master carpenters.  Then, my real job, a desk and a  family became more prominent.  That said, My wife and I designed our own country house back in 1977, had the contractor finish the first floor so we could move in and then I began on the 2nd floor in my "spare" time.  Six years later, I built a 24' x 28' detached two-story carriage shed barn/garage.  The birth of our son, second child,  in November of 1983, slowed me down a bit, but I finished that spring.  In 1987, we added a full-basement, two story addition, 20'x24'.  Once the foundation work was done, it was my plan to do the rest.  However, my company saw fit to send me to CA for a 4 month assignment and I quick had to find a builder.  He did an outstanding job, but somehow, to this day, I feel a bit cheated as there were so many things I wanted to do.  I did end up finishing the floors.  They are wide southern yellow pine, stained early American.  My wife now thinks they're too dark and they need to be refinished anyway due to dogs, kids and general wear and tear.  I'm looking forward to it.  I guess my point is that I like working with wood and my hands and don't see it as a grueling chore.  I want to learn to be better at various woodworking endeavors.  I bought my Kreg jig last night online and can't wait for it to arrive.  I have several projects where it'll come in handy.
I have worked with tools a little. I was an electrician for 20 yrs, I built my own house once, Built a sailboat too. Been in this home about 7 yrs. Made two nice bookcases on bottom cabinets for the family room. currently building a 64"Hx48"Wx17"D home entertainment cabinet to hold all my electronic junk and flatscreen tv with my kreg jr. Looking pretty good so far. More later. TF

Ray, how's it going Brother.  Local 225 here in rainy Atlanta.  Unions are taking such a hit these days...  In by business and working years, I was on the management side of the table.  Went to an organizing attempt being surrounded by lawyers to protect the company.  Hated the companies position, and didn't like the methods.


Well, it's all about me and the wood now.  Trying in this aging period to become a DIYer.  Working on finishing my basement.  Putting up rock in three rooms, and going to try to rough-in some plumbing for the bathroom, and two future kitchens (In/Outdoor).  Thank you YouTube and the DIY Network.


A question I have for you is, where does one acquire basic tool and woodworking skills?  Everything cost so much money.  What do you recommend a 50+man do to get started?  And where can you find quality wood?


Thanks for the support Ray.  Look forward to hearing from you Brother.


Be Blessed!

Ray Lattman said:

Welcome brother, I am a retired carpenter local 24. I've been woodworking for 30 something years. You remind me of a young me. we all started out new at one time. So with that in mind ask me any questions you have. I'm only to happy to help. Ray

Kevin said:

Greetings Fellow Wood Workers.  My name is Kevin, they call me Casper when I'm touring on my Honda Goldwing Motorcycle.  I am so new to wood working that I will make the beginners on this page feel like pros.  I joined the local Carpenters Union here in Atlanta Georgia about 6 months ago, and have the qualifications of a third period apprentice. That ain't sayin much :-).  Work is very slow here in Georgia, with the only opportunities in scaffolding.  So, that is where the training has been focused.  I'm not looking for work, and too old for scaffolding, so I have to mend for myself until some training with wood presents itself.


I have been acquiring tools as they come along in preparation for building a shop.  I am very interested in the Kreg Systems, and will be utilizing the deck jigs to put an addition on my existing deck.  The deck will be my first major wood working project due to begin in a month or so.  I'm in the planning stages now.


I wanted to reach out with an introduction, and say hello to the Kreg Community.  If anyone has a suggestion on where to acquire some training on wood working skills, please forward some suggestions.

Hello everyone, My name is Neil and I live in Hastings 1066 country in the United Kingdom. I have just brought the Kreg Jig Master 4.  I have just finished my first project of building a new workbench from decking off-cuts for the legs and pallet wood to link the legs together. The top was made from loft boards. So all-in-all it hasn't cost me anything to build. I will post photos soon. I love making things with wood and have been using dowles previously. Not anymore. The Kreg Jig works wonders and saves time.

Here's a picture of the Candy Counter I built for my outdoor move set up...


Michael Byrne said:

Hi, my name is Michael and I live on Long Island, NY. I would consider myself to be an ametuer woodworker at this point but I have always loved working with wood and am looking to get into it a lot more going forward. I just purchased the Kreg Jig and have to say I'm in love with it already. I built a fireplace with electric insert with my Kreg Jig and the results were just terrific. Anyway, I look forward to hanging out around these parts and picking the brains of some of my fellow members. I have seen some of the photographs of the work you guys have done and it's beyond impressive...always nice to see I'm not the only one with a wood obsession.
Dale here, not sure how to describe my skills as a wood worker however Christy and I have a beautifully (nearly) finished basement.  Colonial Maple tounge and groove, hickory kitchen cabinets and 30 feet which has double doors and 4 32x72 windows.  Hoping to get better with my recently purchased router table and cedar boards to finish the jacuzzi tub and bathroom.  Looking forward to other ideas, hopefully which will pay for the investment above!!!  Thanks.

Hello, this is a picture of typical things that I make.  Including Ink Pens, bowls.  Obviously the Kreg Kit is for me a wana have, just in case.  Projects requested by family would have been much easier with a Kreg Kit, so I traded some work for a new Kit.  Worked out just fine.  I made two sour-crout stompers and two sets of pens and pencils and my friend gave me a New Kreg Kit.  Still in the box, maybe some day I will need it enough to open the box and get it going.  Nice Form, keep posting the good ideas.  Denvy


hi my name is paul napoleon , dept manager in a big surface reovation store .ive been doig carpentry and cabinet

making ,special project for  people that cant find the size they need or model . need to create something different

best regards

Hello everyone,   I am jigman,   now that name comes from two sources.  One is woodworking and the other is fishing.    It seems I am always making some sort of jig to get something done in wood working.  I think we all do that.  The other is fishing.   Jigging is one form of fishing that we do for saltwater fishing.   I have been doing wood working for years and  I am self taught.  I will never be a craftsman in the field of woodworking.    I just see  what I want to make and make it.  Nothing special about that.  

Hi to all. My name is Mike. I live in Glen Rock, Pennsylvania. I have been interested in woodworking for many years. It took a long time to accumulate the basic equipment to be able to attempt any real projects. My wife is a quilter and it is my responsibility to find creative ways for her to display her works of art. My latest project holds a roller of material with felt backing. when rolled down she can build blocks on the surface. The felt holds the material so that she can see if the blocks or colors work for her. I decided to use pocket holes to hold the shelf together. I needed to purchase the jig to finish the project. I also enjoy golf and bowling.

With that much lumber you should have no trouble making woodworking friends!!

Dustin Johnson said:

My name is Dustin and I live in NE IA. I've been in the sawmill industry for quite some time now as a lumber inspector. I've always had an interest in wood working and with having all the lumber available to me, I thought it would be a great time to get started. I'm a green horn to things when it comes to wood working so I look forward to meeting others with experience and adding some information to my memory bank.

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