Kreg Owners' Community

I can't get the plastic plugs to insert properly into the jig holes.
1. the hole in the plug was too small to fit over the screw head.
2. When I drilled out the hole, it still wouldn't snap into place.

Do these things not work?

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Burke -

Can't answer that (KregRep should be able to help). But I have had good luck with the plugs. Sometimes they fit well, but have a slight gap (1/64th) in the middle. Since I use them in pretty hidden places, that hasn't been a problem.

If your plastic plug is hitting the screw, I don't think you've drilled your Pocket-Hole correctly... Maybe your screw isn't deep enough? What thickness of wood are you using? Are your drill collar and Kreg Jig settings correct?

The plug itself should not make contact with the screw... the narrow part of the plug is supposed to fit snuggly inside of a properly drilled the Pocket-Hole providing enough friction to keep it in place. Depending on the moisture content of your wood, this could change slightly... a bit of glue could be used as a safeguard.
Thanks, Derek- that must be the problem. I will have to go back and adjust the stop collar to drill deeper.

Derek B. said:
If your plastic plug is hitting the screw, I don't think you've drilled your Pocket-Hole correctly... Maybe your screw isn't deep enough? What thickness of wood are you using? Are your drill collar and Kreg Jig settings correct?

The plug itself should not make contact with the screw... the narrow part of the plug is supposed to fit snuggly inside of a properly drilled the Pocket-Hole providing enough friction to keep it in place. Depending on the moisture content of your wood, this could change slightly... a bit of glue could be used as a safeguard.
Thanks- I will keep 'plugging' along.

gdatomic said:
Burke -

Can't answer that (KregRep should be able to help). But I have had good luck with the plugs. Sometimes they fit well, but have a slight gap (1/64th) in the middle. Since I use them in pretty hidden places, that hasn't been a problem.

Just so everyone knows what we're talking about... here are what the plastic plugs look like: Some white ones came with the kit... but they're available in several colors.

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