Kreg Owners' Community

Just completed the Kreg Screw survey and would like to add a request that the survey did not give me an opportunity to. I want to echo others OC members who've stated they buy from Amazon without issue. Good thing because they have become difficult to find at any convenient brick and mortar location here in Southwest WA.

I use Kreg screws on virtually every woodworking project and go through them steadily enough to request that Kreg do whatever is required to have them added to Amazon's "Subscribe and Save" selection.

I use this Amazon service for laundry detergent, coffee K-cups, motor oil, oil filters, in cabin micro filters, shampoo, razor blades, etc. - everything I buy on a predictable cadence - even TP!  Everything I buy ships free and I always check the price against the lowest priced retailer for that product category before ordering. Everything I subscribe to is the same or lower priced than Wal-Mart, Woodcrafters, O'Reilly, etc. I've become so used to never running out of most things that I probably act like a spoiled child when I do.

Anyway, a consumable product like Kreg screws are a perfect fit for Subscribe and Save.

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Comment by Patrick Gilder on September 2, 2015 at 11:36pm

Check out this link - ........ they have outlets in most capital cities or you could buy off their website.

Comment by Stephanie H on July 28, 2015 at 10:13am

Rockler does ship to Australia.  Not sure the charges or sometimes they have free shipping on orders over a certain dollar amount, not sure if that applies with International shipping.  Always worth asking about.

Comment by KregRep on July 28, 2015 at 10:05am is a great option. Generally, they are very straightforward with their international shipping prices and time frames.

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Comment by Andrew on July 28, 2015 at 8:22am
For those of us in Australia, Amazon is the only decent way to get Kreg screws, sadly postage is not free to Oz, and to make it worthwhile I will buy a few hundred dollars worth at a time, and then pay same again in postage.
Only know of one store that sells them here and they charge 3 and 4 times Amazon.
As for Rockler, my dream holiday is to visit one of their stores someday.
Comment by Stephanie H on July 20, 2015 at 2:25pm

Forgot to add, that both of the big box stores in the area, no matter the location, stink at a good Kreg  selection. Not sure why.  But Rockler is a fun store to go to, so I certainly do not mind.

Comment by Stephanie H on July 20, 2015 at 2:23pm

We have a Rockler store in the area.  Not super close, but about a 30 minute drive.  They carry all the sizes. Which I keep on hand, because you never know.  Love that instant gratification.  But Amazon is definitely another great go to for "stuff". 

Comment by Ken Darga on July 11, 2015 at 10:15am

I find Kreg screws handy for many other wood fastening tasks, 

other than pocket screw holes.

Comment by Tim Grace on July 11, 2015 at 8:49am

Problem I see is the different sizes I use.  For the most part, I'm using the 1¼" coarse thread and the 1" fine thread. Lowe's stocks the 1¼" coarse in 500 pc boxes, and I'm usually good on those.  I'll pick up other sizes as needed in the smaller containers. If I need something different, I'll stop and pick them up, if they have them. The ones I do have difficulty finding are the 1" coarse thread, and I'll pick up a box of those when I see them.  

Comment by Ronda McElroy on July 8, 2015 at 10:04am

Hey Justin.

 I don't know if you have Menards out in WA, but that is where I get alot of my screws.  They don't have all of the selections, but enough to get me by if I run out in the middle of a project (which happens more than I would like to admit).  They are competitive on the price for the screws and when you can't / don't want to wait for them to be shipped this may be an option for you.  Farm and Fleet also has a small selection, but they are more hit or miss on their stock, and I believe that Home Depot has unfortunately discontinued the majority of the sizes.

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