Kreg Owners' Community


I saw this tool in operation and after all the years that I have been exposed to the table saw dangers this product impressed me the most.  I think it would be of benifit for all of us to watch this in operation and it is reasonable in price as well.  Much better than any push stick or kick back devices I have used

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Comment by Warren Downes on June 17, 2014 at 11:47pm

Not sure if you are still looking but we have taken over distribution of Microjig Grr-Ripper in Australia, you can get them from



Comment by Jeff Metcalf on May 10, 2014 at 8:59am

The push stick issue came up for a new member a little while ago and some one had mentioned the Grripper from Micro Jig , I own four of these my two originals that the rubber was getting wore out a bit I mounted side ways on lexan to resaw on my table saw as I do not own a band saw yet. These are great I will never be without these for my tablesaw ever again.

I agree with your review totally, I know you can see them in use on YouTube if any one is interested.

Thanks Jeff
Comment by Lynn Shank on November 16, 2011 at 10:27am

Robert Brennan:  My table saw accident actually happened in January, 2006, so recovery was completed some time ago, yet it took some time and patience!  As for the GRR Ripper, I purchased mine through Rockler.  If you're satisfied with the similar tool you've fabricated in absence of the actual GRR Ripper, I suggest you do share it on this forum.  Evidently others have experienced difficulty in finding a source for GRR Ripper, and it would be most beneficial to help fill the need of others.  Best regards, and safety always!

Comment by Robert Brennan on November 16, 2011 at 2:29am

Hello there Lynn


Good to hear that recovery is undrway.

I have been trying to obtain a GRR Ripper in Australia for some time now.

In the intrim I fabricated a couple of my own.

I should post them in the photos for all to see and build if they want and hopefully avoid injuring themselves.


Speedy recovery and Regards


Rrobert Brennan

Comment by Lynn Shank on November 15, 2011 at 7:55pm

As for the GRR Ripper, here's my story, including a bit of my (hopefully ) past really BAD judgement ... stupidity, which in a split second was very costly to me!  A friend of mine showed me his newly purchased GRR Ripper tool, purchased soon after I had spent 7 excruciatingly painful days and nights in Baylor Univ. Medical Center, Dallas, TX.  My wife and were in the Dallas metro area to help our son with remodeling of his house.  I took many tools, including my table saw, with me.  About the third day or so, I was making a cut which I should never have attempted, and did so even without a pusher stick of any kind.  Yeah, I know, I said it was stupid!  "It" happened so quickly I don't know for sure what happened, but I believe the piece of wood jammed between the blade and fence, and the wood slammed my left hand toward the blade.  The blade cut the inner tip of my "ring" finger at an angle, then crossed over the end of my middle finger, then ... SPLIT my index finger up the middle to the middle joint.  It all happened in less than a second.  It was due to a lack of following safety procedures and having (or making!) a proper and acceptable safety tool.  At Baylor U. Medical Center I met some absolutely wonderful people, yet the costs .... full use of the remaining 2/3 index finger I now have, terrible pain, challenging recovery, succeptibility to cold, and many thousands of dollars! ... which would have been much better spent on nice shop equipment!  I share all of this for several reasons, mostly to caution YOU about considering each and every operation with your tools and equipment, regardless of your experience!  I was once qualified to teach high school shop classes, yet in one brief moment I made a mistake of a lifetime!  The GRR Ripper? ... It has a special place and receives good use in my shop!  PLEASE be careful, and yes, I DO suggest you purchase and USE the GRR Ripper!  It's a great tool, and a GREAT alternative to permanant injury!

Comment by Larwyn on September 11, 2011 at 12:43pm
I have had a pair Grr-Ripper's for a while now.  They are especially useful for working with small bits of wood.  They take a bit of time for setup sometimes but they do add a good measure of safety to some otherwise hazardous operations on the table saw.  Very useful.
Comment by steve kidd on July 28, 2011 at 12:43am
think i will buy the 1/8 leg next time im at woodcrafters, should make life easier and safer
Comment by steve kidd on July 28, 2011 at 12:42am
got mine last week, also got one for my dad. lucky for me we got them half price for woodcraft, great to know employees to get thier discount. havent used it yet but looks like a well made product. took a little time to assemble but that was no problem. even got extra bolts. cant wait to try it out but been finishing in the shop so no need to make any dust. thanks to jay and all the others for thier comments, i was able to make an informed purchase.
Comment by Robert Brennan on July 8, 2011 at 4:18am


No need to rub it in Pete,

Only today I was on the phone to attempting to finalise the purchase of 2x GRRippers.

It is Toolco that bought the stock from Northwood here in Queensland Ausralia.

Anyway even offering voluntary help to Toolco in sorting out the GRRipper inventory was not even accepted.

I first hear about them after reading Jay Boutwells post, I researched the item and found the distributor Northwood tools and they were north of Brisbane about 1hr north away.

However I was too late as the shop had closed and the owner was uncontactable.

I was even prepared to ride my bike up to their shop and PU 2 x units personally a good blast into the outskirts of Brisbane ia always needed !!

However they have now become uncontactable and even with the purchase of stock by Toolco the product is still not available.

I find it hard to beleive that with all the tool and machinery outlets in Brisbane that none are prepared to buy in bulk as you suggested and then try to keep up with the demand.


As from what I found out its a unique product and certainly works well.

In sheer frustration I have even thought of making one in plywwod and using it until supplies are available. I personally like my fingers,body and eyes so I have no reservations in beleiving in Microjigs product.

I even attemped to purchase them directly from Microjig but it proved too costly as an individual, I think the freight costs almost exceeded the purchase price.

Annoying as it is I will not give up just yet.


Regards Robert Brennan


Comment by Peter Green on July 8, 2011 at 3:28am

Had my Ripper for a couple of weeks now, well worth the money. Not only for safety but for the confidence when using narrow stock. Until you have used one you will never know how lucky you must have been before you purchased it.

Until dealers are prepared to risk the initial outlay on a bulk order and have to allow for import duties, freight charges etc. There will not be a great demand, but word of mouth and honest reviews must convince some that the risk is worth it.

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