Kreg Owners' Community

My largest and most-challenging piece thus far. I began with a purchased plan, but modified it to fit my needs.

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Comment by Rita B. on October 31, 2014 at 6:02pm

Thanks Alena!   I had my share of frustrations but in the end, pleased with the way it turned out.

Comment by Alena Kossman on October 31, 2014 at 10:04am
Wow that look really nice. Great job ;-)
Comment by Rita B. on October 29, 2014 at 4:30am

Hi Lorrie!!!!   So glad to see you here, you have been missed!!!!    Thank you for the comments.   We will get you back in the game soon!   I wish we did not have the miles between us.  It would be wonderful to build and create with a fellow newbie.   My first finishing attempts were to redo old pieces found and made new again.   Start with something small like a shelf or something.  You would be surprised of how well you can transform a look.  Good to see you!

Comment by Lorrie on October 28, 2014 at 7:04pm

Hi Rita,

I just found out about your fabulous project!!!  It is awesome!!!  You have really outdone yourself!  I am so very proud of you!!  It really does look great and you did a wonderful job!  And best of all, it was made specifically for your needs.  I'm sure that you are very proud of yourself and you should be!!!  :)  I love your idea with the cork boards. . . . you will never run out of places for notes, reminders, and such.  That was smart thinking on your part.  I also like the lighted top with the glass.  That was also a creative touch and always adds ambience to a room.  Great Job!!!!  Now you can come to California and teach me! LOL   I have not taken on any finished projects so I have no experience with stains, oils, etc.  I think that your finish turned out great!  You do deserve to have this as a featured project on this site.  I am so glad that they recognized it and featured it.  I think that with every project that we all do, we have those "dang, I did it" moments.  LOL  I know that I do.  I remember you saying that you had some "catching up" to do with me. . . .  well, I have a lot of catching up with you!  That is quite an outstanding piece!!!  Great job Rita!!!! :)

Comment by Rita B. on October 28, 2014 at 5:56pm

Kreg Rep,   thank you for your comment and no,  I did not feel slighted in the least.   Posting the photos here was my "dang!, I did it" moment :)   I love that I discovered pocket joinery and it opened up new avenues and skill building attempts that a couple of years ago I never thought possible.   No worries that I intend to stop now.  I may be a late bloomer but I am hooked.   I even purchased the Kreg shelf jig that enabled me to add the adjustable shelves for this project.   It is one that I hope will be a useful item in my home for many years.

Comment by Rita B. on October 28, 2014 at 5:47pm

Jay and Jim, thanks for your support and encouraging words.   Feeling like big brothers standing guard and wish I could take you both with me to haggle over new car prices  LOL!    I posted the pictures here because this is a group like no other that can appreciate what goes into a build.  Large or small, we all know it takes many steps.   I also enjoy very much seeing what others build and you never know what a piece or comment and questions ask can inspire others.   I think this is my second year at this site and I am thankful for the input and friendships gained and have been treated with total respect as I learn and my passion for woodworking grows.   I have not been slighted in the least and I thank you for your kindness.

Comment by KregRep on October 28, 2014 at 3:29pm

Rita, this is a beautiful project. Thanks for sharing it! I agree with Jim and Jay, that you've come a long way. Your skills have grown, and you have a good eye. You are also quite modest. Humility is a wonderful thing, because talented people don't have to brag. BUT, don't sell your skills short! Showing your work and being proud doesn't mean you are bragging!

I hope you know that we weren't trying to slight you by not commenting or featuring your project sooner. We love seeing your work. We, of course, never intend for "Features" to be popularity contests. We feature photos and projects that we know other members will want to see because the feature tab makes them easy to find. We also never mean to put anyone off by not featuring their project or photo. If we feature everything, then it just becomes crowded. A lot of the time, we feature pieces that have lots of how-to photos, links to plans, etc., and we also feature things that just demonstrate the great design, craftsmanship, determination, and effort that our Community members demonstrate. 

Keep doing what you're doing, because it's working. We hope the Kreg Community and Kreg are helpful parts of your journey!


Comment by james wilhelm on October 28, 2014 at 12:51pm

Hi Rita , I totaly agree with Jay , I also think it was passed over and should have been featured  at least by Monday , as some are featured with in 10 mins.  after they are posted and also  featured on the project page the next day , this is not fair to the other wood workers  that have a very nice project !!  Also noticed that there was never a comment from  the Kreg rep. on your project , I think that all the projects should be featured or commented on  the site !!    You have done an excellent job on your desk and have improved very much  in your skills as a wood worker !!  Keep up the good work and keep showing your projects , well done , JIM !!

Comment by Jay Boutwell on October 28, 2014 at 11:35am
Rita, I have been thinking about this after I saw it posted and I made a comment about it.  Standing by and watching it  be passed by as a pick for the "Featured Photo" while others are picked and posted over in the featured column, with some as soon as it is posted, is a little too much.  It is my opinion that this belongs on the "featured Photo" as it is certainly as good of an example of a piece of furniture that looks like a piece of furniture.  I say this as I do recognize it as being something that even a woodworker who would have much more experience than you, would tend to be overwhelmed with it's build.  I recognize it as being something more than a box with legs and doors and butt joints, as I see it as something that took a considerable amount of planning and dedication to build. Even though it is a project build from a plan of which you altered to suit your needs, that means that  it is not just following a plan.  Often times it takes more effort and planning just to alter a plan and can also be something more difficult than building it without a plan.
As you said in your postings about this project, you indicated that you could see your improvement in your ability.  This is something that many never recognize and definitely shows that you are not only learning but also are gaining more confidence in your abilities.  That in its self is a definite trait needed in a woodworker. 
 As I have indicated this project is without a doubt a superior one of which I see more than just work involved but also a genuine dedication to your work and determination to be successful in its building.  It truly is an excellent piece of work.
Comment by Rita B. on October 27, 2014 at 5:57pm

Thanks Gary!  I still wear the novice hat but yes, I can see where things have improved for me.  The addition of more tools for the task aids in that as well.  This was built with 3/4 inch Oak ply with solid oak on the face and door frames as well as the crown.   The doors contain 1/4 inch ply panels.  The doors were built using lap joinery and the groove to hold the panels was cut with a 15/64 router bit.

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