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Finished with a wood-bent bow.

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Views: 5347

Projects: 12 drawer chest
Favorite of 5 people


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Comment by Dave Boehm on February 26, 2011 at 10:56am


Thanks for sharing your work.  I can't say much more than what has already been posted.  It is evident that you take great pride in in your work and the quality of your craftsmanship serves as an inspiration for me and others on the forum.  I think one thing that gets lost sometimes in our "hobby" is the true artistic nature of what we do.  Our medium is wood and a piece like the one you have created has all of the characteristics of a great sculpture or fine painting.  It is a pleasure to look at, some will admire the clean lines, some the fine joinery, while others the choice of material and lay of the grain.  It will, as has been said, be enjoyed for generations and hopefully when people look at it they can feel the joy that went into its creation and the love and pride that came with its completion.  Sorry to get so philosophical but the simplicity and the grandeur of your piece brought it out of me.  Thanks again.



Comment by lynn johnson on February 26, 2011 at 10:52am
Beautimous!  I'm also impressed that you made this out of alder and leaves! LOL
Comment by Jay Boutwell on February 23, 2011 at 7:28pm

Hello Ted, I thank you very much for the very nice comments.  Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner as I have been in the shop trying to finish up some odds and ends to get ready for my next job. I always have a customer job to get done but that is just what I like.  That 12 drawer chest was a fun project making it out of solid alder.  It is all glued up out of  random widths of alder and it does take some doing to find wood grains to match.  I don't know how many pocket screws there is in the project but a bunch.  I build it without any plans  to fit the customers required size.  It is for certain a one of a kind. I have a musical slide show should you be interested in that.  If you wish to see it or any other details please feel free to contact me at   It deals with some of the construction of the project.

  I was looking at your photos displayed on your page and I see some things I would love to have for myself.  The artistry and construction of these projects is extreamly good.  It Looks as if you put alot of time and planning in every one of your projects.   Planning and execution is what it is all about and it looks like you have mastered both areas.  Nice corresponding with you. 

Comment by Jay Boutwell on February 23, 2011 at 5:56pm
Thank You Sir.  Would like to see some of your projects posted on here.  The more ther better as we all learn from anothers project.
Comment by hugo herrera on February 23, 2011 at 11:16am
felicidades te quedo muy bonita.
Comment by Ted W. Broussard on February 23, 2011 at 8:54am
Jay, that is one marvelous piece to behold!  Did you use the Kreg Beaded Face Frame System?  This is what makes a website like this one work so well, especially for Kreg.  To see results like this with their tools drives customers to their products.....I would love to have that system and I think that I'll start saving my coins to purchase it.  Thanks for the inspiration....
Comment by Jay Boutwell on February 23, 2011 at 12:34am
Thank you Anthony, That is a nice comment to receive.  I visited your page and left a comment.  Please visit my page and maybe we can exchange information and ideas on projects.
Comment by Anthony on February 22, 2011 at 11:59pm
Very nice! Elegant, simple and functional. How long did this take you start to finish? I am still a beginner at woodworking/woodturning and when I retire from my Fire/EMS days, I plan on woodworking full-time until I pass. Just doing it when time allows for right now amidst my growing family, working and school. I'm trying to build up a nice repertoire of projects and learn as mush as I can. Pieces such as this one are what I look forward to being able to accomplish with some time and practice. High quality and character are what I strive for when I build/create. Thank you for sharing such a great project!
Comment by Ken Darga on February 22, 2011 at 7:21pm

Very nice.

Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Jay Boutwell on February 20, 2011 at 12:46pm

Good Morning James,  Thank you for a comment that is the best a person can get.  Your statement says alot, that we seem to forget.  We forget that we are creating something that can be enjoyed by others even generations from now.  Once created it is more that just a piece of wood but an item displaying a period of time when someone took a piece of wood and through his or her mind created an item that says volumns.  It becomes a statement of history in a form of art, a sign of the times in style and craftsmanship.   

We all have  talent for something, it just lies dormant in many.  I feel that we as woodworkers have an advantage because  we have been fortunate enought to have discovered that we have a desire to create.  It is through patience, dedication and practice that we all excell in our creative minds.  What the mind thinks our hands can create.  

This why I have said that there is alot of knowledge and talents on this community site.  It has been proven that  when one person is in doubt and or questions how to do something, there is someone out here who has the experience and knowledge and without hesitation passes it on to others. 

I have gained much insite and knowledge by reading your post(s) and for this I am thankful.  I also have viewed your photos and I know that you have talent and ability far above what you believe you have.  Your statements of, "it would be a learning experience"  " if it turned out half as good you would be happy, but next time you probably wouldn't settle for half best"  tells me you are a dedicated craftsman with a desire to be the best.  Thanks again James and have a great day.

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