Kreg Owners' Community

I built a small table for one of my "Weekend Projects" on Extreme How-To.  The legs had two sides that were flat and the other two continued the curves of the lower portion.   I used the two flat sides and my Kreg Jig to attach the 1x4s between the legs.
The legs were purchased at Lowe's precut oak. The table top was a stock poplar size and the remainder of the lumber was oak, bought in sizes close to those needed for the long and short sides of the table top.  
The project was a simple one. However, next time I will avoid Poplar though as I had an issue with profiling its edges. 
What are other ways I could use the Kreg Jig with curved parts?  Weekend Projects is meant to be simple. The Kreg Jig keeps joinery very simple, but what are the best ways to use it on legs and other parts that have curves?
Hal Jones

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You no I think there is a limit to the places that the KPH can be used and I dont really think a curved area couldbe used.If you did the joining wood would need same profile to make a tight fit.That make since.
Interesting topic...
Here's the video James was talking about:

I do like the jig for holding the angled pieces. I think I will take a look at some pieces made traditionally and see if I can improvise a solution. Thanks for your repsonses.

Derek B. said:
Interesting topic...
Here's the video James was talking about:

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