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I can't wait!!!

RMK said:
Justin: like Tim Allen would say "oh-ho-ho-ho-ho"    Look forward to your review 
great saw :)
I am taking a stab in the dark though, it's new and no reviews so far.  The older one got good reviews, so we will see!
when a product is new after 1-2 years there is reviews on it :)

I have a Delta 10" contractor's saw. It has a roll around frame with extended table with a combination Router table, and or a base for a Bosch jigsaw on the right table, a removable rear table extention, a cast iron side table with a complete router table with crank up router riser, a pair of drawers under the right side extention, and heavy hooks to hang several of my Tablesaw jigs on. All of the attchments and the saw is hooked up to a dust collection system. I bought the saw from a deceased friend's wife, and the only thing the saw had cut was my old friend's finger, on his first cut, and was never used after. I will send a picture later.


 I own the powermatic 72 12inch 5hp extensions and router table set up I give this saw a 5

I currently own a Craftsman bench top saw mounted ot the supplied stand with supplied casters. My family gave it to me for a birthday a few years ago. It is ok and on a scale of 1 to 5 it is a 2 .  After a few years of use I can say that it is really a problem of too light to hold up and maintain it's setting. Calls on me to use extra care in setup and in rechecking.


Good thing it slows me down and makes me think. So maybe it isn't that bad.

Loweel.D. I would like to see the picture of  your set up, a missfortune on one's behalf  became a fortune for you!

Hi, Joe,

I intend to clean it up tomorrow, and take a picture of it. I use it almost every day, and it needs a sweeping.


I wish I would have had the Sawstop 3 weeks ago. I probaply wouldn't have chunks missing from my fingers now.

Joe Pack said:
Didn't do the finger test...too chicken.  But I did stand beside the SawStop guy when he pushed the 3/4" ply and hotdog into the blade at normal cutting speed.  Bang!!!!  The skin of the hotdog was scratched and the cut was maybe 1/16" deep!  For a few dollars more than a Unisaw or Powermatic, I figured my fingers were worth that!  :-)))

kenny from Sundre said:

Joe Pack said:
SawStop 3hp.  Best saw I have ever used, even without the safety feature.  5 of 5.
You lucky dog!! Did you do the finger test???
Ridgid TS3660.  Got this baby for $300 new at the TTI factory tool sale.  Lifetime warranty.  A great saw at any price.

Here is my table saw, a 10" Delta combination 10" table saw/Jig saw/2 station joiner. It has a Joiner station mounted in a Bench Dog cast iron table, with a Router raiser, Two storage drawers, a rear Table extention that can be put on or taken off in about a minuit, switches for all tools, and a complete dust system hook ups for the tools. The saw came to me with the roll around base, and right hand table extention. I have added the right hand Jig saw/ router station and inlaid the slots for the joiner fence and miter gauge. I built the right hand router station fence, rear extention, added hooks for tools and many of the jigs that I have built, and many other things over several years, but, I think I am finally done adding and changing things. I have thought of showing pictures of all the Jigs also.

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