Kreg Owners' Community

On February 10, 2010, we announced the all-new Kreg Multi-Mark™ through the Kreg Jig Owners' Community.  Community members were the very first customers to hear about the new tool, outside the walls of Kreg.  On March 1st, the Multi-Mark started to become available at many dealers across the country.  

"The all-new Kreg Multi-Mark™ is a very simple tool which simplifies some very frustrating problems. At it's core, the Multi-Mark™ is a
multi-purpose marking and measuring tool, perfect for a wide variety of
household and jobsite applications. It features three different scale
configurations, each of which provide you with a variety of project solutions
that will undoubtedly reduce the number of tools you need on hand.

Layout Mitered Corners, Set 3/16" Reveals, Transfer Measurements, Align / Square Your Projects, Set Bit / Blade Heights, Layout Wall Studs, Use as a Basic Rule, Marking for Layout, Use as a Simple Level"

This thread is a place where members can post their thoughts/comments/questions/reviews regarding the Multi-Mark, as well as posting photos, reviews, applications of their own Multi-Mark.  Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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picked one up from the local Lowes today along with a square cut. Not used either yet but have some drawers to fix this week so we'll see if either get used! I know my Kreg draw mouting guides etc. will ;)
does it come with 3 rullers? or does the picture just show different positions of 1 ruler?
I think it only has 1 but I've been wrong before.
Nathan, look forward to hearing your thoughts on it if you get a chance!

Larry, The image shows 1 ruler in 3 unique positions.
I've been looking at Lowe's for this. So far my local Lowes doesn't have it. Is it supposed to be in the Kreg section with the other Kreg items?
Kim, yes, it should be in the Kreg section. Sometime this month, most Lowe's will be getting larger Kreg sections... and this tool will most likely appear when that change takes place. Good luck, sorry you've had troubles finding it.
Kim C said:
I've been looking at Lowe's for this. So far my local Lowes doesn't have it. Is it supposed to be in the Kreg section with the other Kreg items?

It was indeed in the Kreg section at my local Lowes. They also had the Crown Pro but no need for that one yet!
I can only think of one way to make this a better tool. It would be great to have a vertical and a horizontal level in it. Maybe I haven't played with it enough to discover this function already built in but I think not. I had to get a second level to make sure my upright tiles were level. All the various ways to slip the ruler in are super and open up a myriad of accurate measurements and angles in tight places.
I sure hope they do something soon. My Lowe's in New Mexico doesn't have either the Multi-Mark nor the Square-Cut. I check their web site every other day or so & still nothing...............

KregRep said:
Kim, yes, it should be in the Kreg section. Sometime this month, most Lowe's will be getting larger Kreg sections... and this tool will most likely appear when that change takes place. Good luck, sorry you've had troubles finding it.
My local Lowes has the multi-tool as well as other Kreg items, they did change the display.
nice item maybe someday I just spent over $300 on a new K3 and robi battery saw and drill combo.
I'm on a fixed income and a fixed outgo.
Here's a link to Don Grubish's thorough review of the Kreg Multi-Mark:
This past week, I went to Lowes with my wife and was checking out the multi mark and square cut. There was only one each left in the display. Later, I hung some pictures on the walls of my wife's new office (a concrete block wall) and for my effort, she presented me with the multi mark and square cut.
I have already used both on a table I'm building. The multi mark is sweet. Since I'm duplicating a table that my uncle made 30 years ago, precise measurements and positions were important. Using the multimark is kind of like taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and being allowed to use a calculator.
All I can say is that both the Multi Mark and the Square Cut are another fine idea come to life through Kreg. Thanks.
I got the multi-mark yesterday as a birthday gift. It looks like a neat tool and I look forward to using it.

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