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Hi my name is Carl T Mclaughlin I live in Chandler Arizona I've worked on cars our life I took him woodworking about five years ago here in their about a year ago I started to buy some equipment getting ready for retirement I own some kreg tools now looking to buy the kreg router table and router lift but that will take a little while pretty costly

Hello, Stadler here from Cape Town, South Africa. I sort of inherited my dad's small combination machine and some other stuff when my mom wanted to sell it and I said I'd buy it and she didn't want to sell it to me... Don't have any room at my place, so I'm still using her extremely cluttered garage to store it and do the odd bit of sawing, sanding and whatnot. We're slowly but surely getting into the process of clearing up the clutter and creating some more space in the garage though! I didn't really have any specific purpose for the tools at the time, but just knew that I didn't want to let them go and today I'm very glad I didn't. I finally found something to make out of wood earlier this year when I bought a small camping trailer and wanted to make some simple shelves for two compartments, and enjoyed working with the machine so much that I promptly found other projects! I think of my dad almost everytime I turn the machine on or off, because he had this particular way of turning the switch, and I wish I could see his amusement at all the silly mistakes I'm making.

I've bought a bunch of tools, mostly new and some second-hand, since I started doing woodwork, and amongst them a K5 Kreg Jig and a screw starter kit, an Accu-cut and a Mobile Project Center, but I must admit that I haven't used any of them yet. I took the project center out of the box to see if everything was there and how it worked a couple of weeks ago, and I set up the Accu-cut this past weekend, hoping to saw some plywood, but then four of the set screws got lost and I only found them again late Saturday night. Hoping to get started this weekend!

Welcome aboard.


My name is Matt from Minnesota. I've been buying tools here and there knowing we were going to be doing a home renovation. I started with the Kreg K4 primarily to make a few things and it just grew from there. I made a few recent investments in a good table saw, router table and was able to justify the dust collector when the wife saw all the mess in garage :). I recently posted my vessel sink cabinet project and am currently building the kitchen cabinets, kitchen island and a few other items. I'm finding out now that one can never have enough clamps!!! I enjoy coming out here (Kreg community) and getting ideas and tips from other posts.

Hello, my name is Jerry and I live in Manitoba, Canada.

I haven't really done any wood working since I was in high school.  When I discovered the Kreg pocket hole tool, I thought I would give this a try and see what I could do.

Welcome Jerry from Manitoba. I'm sure as you use your kreg tools you'll find them to be as useful as most of us do. Happy sawdust days to you.

Hi, I’m a married father, approaching 60, who is just starting out in learning about woodworking. I live in a townhouse and subsequently have a small 18 X 15 foot workshop in my basement. This space also must be used for other purposes at times. I bought a ShopSmith 3-4 years ago, and am trying to learn how to use it when I get some rare time to myself. I am an electrician (so I have enough power for the tools LOL). I recently (last Saturday) got the Kreg K5 pocket hole jig. THIS IS FUN! I have made our son a Boston Bruins corn hole game, have done some minor scroll saw work, and am currently trying to make a manger for my brother (long story) On a couple of other forums I’m on, they keep saying ‘We like pictures” so I’m gonna try to post a couple here. Thanks for having me.  :)

My name is Steve and I just bought a new house in Polk City, Iowa. I will have a lot of shelves and storage cabinets to build for my garage this winter.
Arthur I also use shoesmith which model do you have

Hello, my name is Sandy and I live in NH. I am new to woodworking. The first project I built was a mobile workbench. There was definitely some trial and error but I finished and wanted to try more. My second project is a 4 tier shelving unit for my workshop. I finished it yesterday and am pleased with the outcome. I used my newly purchased Kreg K5 pocket hole jig on both projects. I had some problems on the shelving unit. My Kreg screws pocked through the wood on a few of the joints. I double checked the plans I used and I followed the directions. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.


Here is my a pic of the workbench.

Sandra Eynon said:

Hello, my name is Sandy and I live in NH. I am new to woodworking. The first project I built was a mobile workbench. There was definitely some trial and error but I finished and wanted to try more. My second project is a 4 tier shelving unit for my workshop. I finished it yesterday and am pleased with the outcome. I used my newly purchased Kreg K5 pocket hole jig on both projects. I had some problems on the shelving unit. My Kreg screws pocked through the wood on a few of the joints. I double checked the plans I used and I followed the directions. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.


Hello and welcome Sandra,

In relation to your question about screws poking through.

The reason screws may poke through relate to either being the incorrect size (too long) or you are overdriving them, (meaning drivig the heads into and beyond the bottom of the counterbore.

There is an easy way to check the length, after drilling put a screw in the pocket hole and check with the mating material how much penetration the screw tip has. (BTW you can Use similar scrap to do this test).

If all is good there they are being over driven.

Have a look at the Kreg charts on this site showing the screw choices  using screw with similar or dissimilar materials it may assist.

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