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Hi, My name is Roy Leggett. I am a retired vet . In 1991, after 36 years with the Air Force I retired and was bored stiff. A friend told me to try wood working. I tried and was immediately hooked. Wood working is the best therapy money can buy. I am 77 now and no mater how bad I feel, I spend at least two hours a day in my shop.

Hi, Roy and welcome.  I am also a retired vet.  I hope you find this site/group as enlightening as I have.  There are many projects members have shared and we hope you will share one of your projects soon.

Joe b.

Roy Leggett said:

Hi, My name is Roy Leggett. I am a retired vet . In 1991, after 36 years with the Air Force I retired and was bored stiff. A friend told me to try wood working. I tried and was immediately hooked. Wood working is the best therapy money can buy. I am 77 now and no mater how bad I feel, I spend at least two hours a day in my shop.

Hi everybody! My name is Jonathan and I'm from Toledo, OH (currently, I've made several moves and lived "all over"). I've only been woodworking and DYI-ing (is that the term?) since December last year or January of this year, but so far, I'm really enjoying myself! It all started around Xmas time last year, when my wife and I were having a difficult time figuring out what I would like for the holiday. We were at a local store, checking it out, when we saw that they had a multitude of Dremel tools and accessories. Suddenly, we decided to purchase one for me for Christmas. I know this site isn't for Dremel, of course, but it was all part of how things played out. Suddenly, my creative juiced started flowing. For years, in the back of my mind, I had wanted to get into woodwork. The idea of making plans for projects and then creating them seemed so appealing! 

Trying to encourage me, my wife came home one day with a couple woodworking books from the library. One of them was Ana White's book "The Handbuilt Home," and my desire to get into woodworking and making my own furniture caught fire. From there, I was introduced to the Kreg Jig and Joinery systems, and I have to say, they're awesome! Since then, I've been working some small-scale projects, such as engraved plaques and signs, a simple shelving unit, my own toolbox, and my own scratch-made bedside table (inspired by the plans on Ana's website). I attached a picture below. 

Woodworking is such a fun hobby to me, and I look forward to learning more and more as I go. I am a medical person professionally, and later this year I will be beginning Physician Assistant school, which will be a rigorous graduate level program. I'm hoping to keep up my hobby at the same time, as it's both mentally stimulating and puzzling, as well as a great pass time. 

"Hi everybody! My name is Geronimo and I'm from Chicago. I've only been woodworking and DYI-ing for a few months after buying my first home and needing to do done improvements. Would love ideas and knowledge from all you and thanks in advance.

Hello my name is Emmett and I am from New Brunswick in Canada. New to woodworking have done a bit over the years... i just got a Kreg jig and used it for making a closet organizer still a work in progress so no pictures as of yet.

Nice nightstand.

Hi, I'm Steve from Cape Town, South Africa. Not a big woodworker but have dabbled with it here and there as part of general DIY all my life (I'm in my early 50s).

Recently an interest in doing more woodwork was kindled and I discovered Kreg Jigs and pocket-hole joinery late last year after my sister-in-law, visiting from the UK, mentioned that she had purchased one of those "machines" for her husband's Christmas. I've watched many videos on it since then but never thought I would be able to justify buying one, as the exchange rate makes the Kreg jigs very expensive here. I've thought of buying a local off-brand version or one from eBay but that is still not a really cheap option.

Then a recent small windfall coincided with a very good price on special from Takealot (our local, but much smaller, equivalent of Amazon). So I ended up buying a K4 master system for R2,000 (about $140 US) instead of the normal R3,500 (about $245). That ends up being about the same as US prices ($138 on Amazon) without the added shipping and import duties that are often the killer that makes foreign purchases out of the question. My jig has been delivered, I've opened the and looked at all the bits but have yet to put it to use. I'm just starting a week stay-at-home vacation and plan to build something before I go back to work. Just not sure yet what that will be.

Hello, I am Rich from So Cal. I am new Kreg community of devices. I need to learn wood working skills as a hobby. After some encouragement from a good friend he urge to buy Kreg Jig K 5 system.
I willing to learn and accept any help that is given.
I have use the K5 system already for a progect for myself.

Hello. Monty here from Oklahoma. Long time (self-proclaimed) DIYer, but previously more concerned with function over form (admittedly, it showed). Recently retired at 60 and am looking forward to upgrading all my older, contractor grade equipment with the tools and devices to start focusing on the appearance of the finished product. Recently took a class on raised panel doors at a local Woodcraft store and was amazed at the equipment/devices now available. Due to limited space, my only permanent placements will be a cabinet saw (already in place), a vacuum system and a miter saw table (in the planning stages). Everything else will be mobile.  I have purchased some Kreg jigs and tables during setup. Once the shop is set up and equipped properly, first order of business is two 8' x 8' x 1' cabinets for the south wall.

Anyway, I am looking forward to benefiting from your collective wisdom in learning what I need and how to properly use what I am fortunate enough to have. Thank you in advance for any and all communication. 



welcome glad to have you here.I am new to woodworking and learning a little at a time .This was my first time making something that big lol.

Hi folks, my name is Layman - I live in Cincinnati, OH - fairly new to wood working but have several projects lined up this summer, which is why I purchased the Kerg system.  Are their any - Getting Started Videos - ? 

Good morning (well it is here in Australia). As a retired school teacher I now have a little more time and a list of wood working projects that I want to tackle. I have some experience with simple things like building dog kennels, simple book shelves, replacing kennel doors etc. Having seen the pocket hole joining system on the internet I bought a Kreg jig (not all that easy to get in Oz) to use in my current project, which is a roll out pantry for the kitchen (to keep my partner happy). I have been inspired by Ana White's web site and the notion that "women can do woodwork" and look forward to being part of this community. Cheers. Lynne W

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