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Very good.  Thanks for the tip, Zac!

Zac Taubman said:

Christopher, just do a search for "TV Stand", etc. in the Projects section.  You'll probably find many cool designed projects that our community has created.  That's kinda what I did!

Anyways, welcome!

Christopher Yevcak said:

Hello everyone.  I am Chris from Flagstaff, AZ.  Currently I run a custom Bed making business on the side but would like to see that grow and maybe expand into other furniture and wood products.  I am new to the Kreg system but so far I am really excited to get started using my new tools.  I have been looking at project photos.  Y'all make some really nice stuff and everyone posts such positive comments for each other which might be what I like best.  I feel that I am joining a very warm and welcoming community of woodworking sisters and brothers.  I can't wait to get started.  My first project will be a corner tv stand so if anyone has a good set of plans to get me started, I would certainly appreciate it.  Keep up the great mutual support and I plan to be on the forum as often as possible.  Thanks for having me!

That's exactly what I've been doing...Craigslist and word-of-mouth.  I'm hoping people will spread the word.  I just finished a TV cabinet for someone, and am now doing a secretary-type desk for another person.  I use my Kreg jig for pretty much everything.  
Christopher Yevcak said:

Hi Becky.  My primary source of advertising is on Craigslist.  My hope is to slowly build the business until I can garner enough orders to hopefully pursue the work fulltime.  I rely on word of mouth from my existing customers as well.  I love to build Murphy Beds so at this time I am also going around to the mattress stores and talking with the owners.  Since I make beds that need mattresses, maybe they can refer people to me.

Becky Bresnahan said:

Hey Chris,

I'm interested in how you got your bed business started.  I love making custom furniture, and have sold some things, especially around Christmas.  But I'd like to do more.  How do you get most of your business? 


Christopher Yevcak said:

Hello everyone.  I am Chris from Flagstaff, AZ.  Currently I run a custom Bed making business on the side but would like to see that grow and maybe expand into other furniture and wood products.  I am new to the Kreg system but so far I am really excited to get started using my new tools.  I have been looking at project photos.  Y'all make some really nice stuff and everyone posts such positive comments for each other which might be what I like best.  I feel that I am joining a very warm and welcoming community of woodworking sisters and brothers.  I can't wait to get started.  My first project will be a corner tv stand so if anyone has a good set of plans to get me started, I would certainly appreciate it.  Keep up the great mutual support and I plan to be on the forum as often as possible.  Thanks for having me!

Hi, my name is Glen and I am a licenced taxi owner. now in my sixties I have taken up woodworking. a few weeks ago I (for some strange reason) built a table from old pallets which apart from a few screws and some glue, cost nothing to make. I was so delighted with it that I now have it in my shed as a workbench. Trawling the internet for other ideas, I came across the KJ4 and thought "Boy this is the tool for me" and decided to buy one. My timing was a little off, if I had waited just another couple of weeks I could have been the proud owner of the K5...hey ho, that's life! Since buying my jig I have made 2 little stools, one for fun and the other for the kitchen to help reach those high cupboard shelves. I made it with little legs so that it could slip under the cooker and be out of harms way, but it still adds 5 inches to my reach.

Glen said:

Hi, my name is Glen and I am a licenced taxi owner. now in my sixties I have taken up woodworking. a few weeks ago I (for some strange reason) built a table from old pallets which apart from a few screws and some glue, cost nothing to make. I was so delighted with it that I now have it in my shed as a workbench. Trawling the internet for other ideas, I came across the KJ4 and thought "Boy this is the tool for me" and decided to buy one. My timing was a little off, if I had waited just another couple of weeks I could have been the proud owner of the K5...hey ho, that's life! Since buying my jig I have made 2 little stools, one for fun and the other for the kitchen to help reach those high cupboard shelves. I made it with little legs so that it could slip under the cooker and be out of harms way, but it still adds 5 inches to my reach.

Hi, my name is Glen from Scotland and I am a licenced taxi owner. now in my sixties I have taken up woodworking. a few weeks ago I (for some strange reason) built a table from old pallets which apart from a few screws and some glue, cost nothing to make. I was so delighted with it that I now have it in my shed as a workbench. Trawling the internet for other ideas, I came across the KJ4 and thought "Boy this is the tool for me" and decided to buy one. My timing was a little off, if I had waited just another couple of weeks I could have been the proud owner of the K5...hey ho, that's life! Since buying my jig I have made 2 little stools, one for fun and the other for the kitchen to help reach those high cupboard shelves. I made it with little legs so that it could slip under the cooker and be out of harms way, but it still adds 5 inches to my reach.

Hello Glen my this is Chuck from Houston, Texas. Looks like you are up to a great start and having fun doing so. Welcome to the Kreg family. Everyone here is great and there is always someone here to help with any questions you may have. Have a great day my friend.

I joined to learn from the pro's.
I live west of Atlanta.
I am a true rookie and I am now ready to learn all I can.
I am retired Army.
I have built a pantry for my wife and used nothing but the K3 system.

Hello there. I'm new to the Kreg community. My name is Shane Campbell and Im 25 years old, I enjoy doing wood working projects and teaching my kids how to build new things on all on there own. I'm a Union Carpenter out of Local 357 in Paducah Kentucky. I live in Benton Ky with my wife Shelby and three boys Mikey, Connor and braden. I look forward to meeting all of the Kreg Community members. 

Shane and family , welcome to the community, this is a great place to get new Ideas and learn  from other wood workers , nice to see a family build together , JIM !

Hi, My name is Joe. I live in NE Oklahoma. I built homes for years from the footing to the last door knob. The framing thru the final trimming including cabinets. Retired from that and built some furniture, entertainment centers and such. Been building some bird houses for fun and then started on wall art projects and frames. I saw the Kreg jig on TV one nite and ordered one. My picture frames went from the table saw cutting lap joints to the miter saw and then to the Kreg tool. Cut my time in half and the frame joints are beautiful and soooo easy to do now!! 

Hello Iam Mike Bertrand from Eunice Louisiana. I am a beginner DIY. I have been doing small woodwork projects all my life. Starting now to use the jigs and love it. why we didn't have this30 yrs ago

Hi All, I am very happy to be a member. Now I can fix my house the way I want it. I am looking for a jig that I saw on the site or dvd on how to make faux shutters but I can't find it. Can anyone help?

Thanks Dwayne  

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