Kreg Owners' Community

 I was about to make up my mind and go visit the rockler store near me and buy. I was going through some things and  found a routertable  I bought from sears an industrial router table . I had bought it as bargain as is, it was missing instruction book. I think I paid like $25 it retailed for around $99 on sale $69. I was not able figure how to put it together so its been collecting dust. This week I got it out and by look other tables common thread you need something to level the plate. I saw indents for hexnuts where the plate went there were hexnut but no hardware to go with them. I went to hardware store and found flathead screws that fit the nuts and used them to level the plate. Checked out router table found more hexnuts indents same nuts fit throughs wholes bought more flatheads and secured plate router. Looking good going to save some money. Then next part the fence is poor design instead of two groves only one the other side has a slote in the fence were bolt comes up through the table. Limited adjustment. Anyone else have this table.

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I belive mine is the ryobi intermedeat router table. but the hex thing sounds klike the same way I level my table. If you can post a pic.
This shows the sloted side.

Do you have only one screw lock on your fence?
Two if you look at all three pictures only one side is sloted in the table the other side is sloted in the fence itself not very long slot.
Yes thats conclusion I came to. Its to bad the table is not a light weight table just bad fence design mine is so bad they fixed bolt was drilled 3/8 of inch off set from the end of the table.
I had one I sent it with my cans to recycle then built a new one with plans from Wood mag's web site.

duane ribron said:
I belive mine is the ryobi intermedeat router table. but the hex thing sounds klike the same way I level my table. If you can post a pic.

Mark Lesch said:
I had one I sent it with my cans to recycle then built a new one with plans from Wood mag's web site.

duane ribron said:
I belive mine is the ryobi intermedeat router table. but the hex thing sounds klike the same way I level my table. If you can post a pic.
I have the sears working I moved the non critical end about an inch further from the center now I have enough adjustment. Did look at the royobi intermedate lloks good but hey say you cant level the plate because they are warped. I sthat true?
I have read that from a few people as well. I have not had that problem, and in fact really enjoy using it. Guess it was the luck of the draw...

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