Kreg Owners' Community

A good friend has asked about making some bee hive boxes. I have thought about using a Rabbet joint combined with pocket holes for strength and a cleaner look.

I know they commonly use box joints but it seems although they are strong they weaken by weather quickly at the top and bottom.

I also considered a 45 degree with biscuits to line it up and then use pocket holes for strength


Any thoughts on this






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My Dad has been in the bee business for about 30 years and built a lot of box joint hives.  I got him started doing pocket holes about a year ago & now he says will never go back to box joints.  I will see if he has taken some pictures.


Doyle (mandodad)


Doyle (mandodad)


     This is what I am thinking     when something is being done for years no one wants to change.  If you find or get a picture that would be great

Thanks Again


I was wondering if you ever got any pics.  Does your Dad plug the holes?  Does he uses Stainless screws?  What type of glue does he use?


Mandodad said:

My Dad has been in the bee business for about 30 years and built a lot of box joint hives.  I got him started doing pocket holes about a year ago & now he says will never go back to box joints.  I will see if he has taken some pictures.


Doyle (mandodad)

Hi Mandodad...I am new to beekeeping and would love to know more about building my own hives. Any help or advice you could give would be great! Just got my first Kreg Jig!

I made them for a bee keeper friend. He liked the pocket holes so much he started building his own. I would plug the holes. This keeps moisture out. He claims they last alot longer.

Make sure you use either the blue-coated or stainless screws anyway in case the plug fails.  And TB3 instead of 2 wouldn't be a bad idea.

While it was certainly my Kreg jig that blew the door off the hinges and allowed by into this world of woodworking, one of the most important lessons I've learned since then is when NOT to use pocket hole joinery.  Traditional joints still serve a very important purpose, just like solid wood continues to be important in a world where engineered sheet goods and other products are more widely available.  Box joints are excellent, but if there is no specific mechanical or use-specific reason to prefer them over pocket holes, I don't see a reason to go with the box joint merely for the sake of tradition.  Just like I don't see any reason to continue chopping mortises by hand if you own a Domino.  A nod to tradition is always appropriate in an art form like woodworking (I still cut my dovetails by hand with a saw and a chisel) but it should be a conscious choice to pay homage to tradition rather than allow yourself to be a slave to it.  Are you trying to honor the past or build bee boxes?

Rabbet, Outdoor Glue/TB3, and Kreg Jig... it'll survive the South, I promise

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