Kreg Owners' Community

I'm new to this community and I'm new to carpentry in general. I'm going to make a few cabinet doors and I'm planning to use the European hinges. My dilemma is there are so many brands and styles that I am clueless as to which one to buy. I realize that the decision is partially based on what the inside of the cabinet looks like so I need to make sure I buy the correct ones. I am mainly interested in the adjustable hinge because apparently you can make it perfect even if you are a tiny bit off with your measurements. I just don't want to discover that I have to start the entire project over because of some detail I didn't consider. If anyone has any suggestions on a simple "goof proof" European hinge and perhaps a jig for installing the hinge, I would be very grateful. My opening height is 16.5 inches and the width of the opening is 29.5 inches. I plan to make two doors which meet in the middle for this opening. For determining the door width size,  I was told to add 1 inch then divide by 2 and then subtract a 16th of  an inch.   So 29.5 + 1.0=30.5 then half is 15.25 inches or 15 4/16 - 1/16 = 15 3/16 for each door. I also was told to add an inch to the height of the door so I am planning on making 2 doors and each one will be 17.5 inches tall and 15 3/16 wide.......if anyone sees this as a mistake, please let me know as I am supposed to start in a few days. Thanks so much for any suggestions.


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Comment by Rick Grisoli on July 8, 2014 at 8:22am

Thanks so much for your valuable information Jay. I am now ready to tackle this project. It's wonderful that you share your knowledge in this great forum. Sincerely,

Rick Grisoli

Comment by Jay Boutwell on July 8, 2014 at 2:02am

Thanks Ken, I am glad you got some useable information but I have now deleted it.  I am tired of writing long detailed posts in answer to someone who asks for help and then never reads or even bothers to respond to it in any way.  I have better things to do than spend a 1/2 hour writing something to a blank wall.   This has gotten to be a practice too often I don't need the practice.   I never have refused to help anyone who needs it or requests help but really writing for nothing has got way to old a long time ago. 

Comment by Ken Darga on July 7, 2014 at 8:48am

Hi Jay,

GREAT info!

Thanks for posting the helpful and detailed response.

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