Kreg Owners' Community

... was of course a Kreg jig table. I am short so I experimented with different heights and found one that was comfortable. It is made from scrap lumber. I built it to fit on the end of a larger table that I had yet to build. So far it works nicely.

  • Currently 4.66667/5 stars.

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Comment by eric mann on May 1, 2010 at 9:29pm
Thanks for mentioning the issue of height. I attended a seminar on "construction ergonomics", and we were taught to: "Make the work fit the person" (instead of making the person bend or twist to fit the tool/workpiece/workbench,etc).
Best wishes!
Comment by Ruth Parrish on February 11, 2010 at 9:28pm
Would you let me know how tall you made your table? I need to think about making one for myself. I will also see if I can get my picture downloaded on here. I have trouble moving it from one place on the computer to the email....if I can't figure it out I can always take a picture with my laptop and get it on here that way.
You have really done well to have only been at this for six months. I am now at a place in life where I can do almost anything I want to. I no longer work outside the home.
Comment by Kim C on February 11, 2010 at 5:48pm
I started using the Kreg jig six months ago. It not only makes me more productive, it also allows me to "think outside the box". There are many projects that I would never had attepted just because of the time needed to dedicate to them. I am a busy mom (most of the time) and now I can crank out things so fast. It now takes me longer to plan out and draw something than it does to actually put it together. I am glad you have "your own space" for this. I think you will enjoy what you will be able to do. It is awesome that your grandchildren will have something made by you and not just purchased for them. It brings back those old fashioned values I guess. LOL
And maybe once you start making all sorts of things you will get more space. hee hee
And I do strongly recommend mounting that jig low! I get sore shoulders dealing with everyday life made for taller people! I can work all day with it at that height.
Comment by Ruth Parrish on February 11, 2010 at 12:57pm
Hi Kim,
I am very new to Kreg and have made a table for the grandchildren and two chairs. I have to say that I am very impressed with all that you have done. I am also short. I appreciate your idea on the set up of your table. I am also 5'2". My husband complains that I had a 24X24 building put up for him and I have taken it over. I have only taken part of one half of it! How long have you been working with Kreg?
Comment by Kim C on February 4, 2010 at 9:27am
KregRep.. (Derek, I think?) Most how to videos I see the Kreg jig is mounted high and sometimes on outfeed tables. I found this to be very uncomfortable after using it over and over. I mounted this on a low table (about 28" I think.. I am only 5'2") just where my arms extend. I have yet to have the sore neck and shoulders since doing this. I think users should know that placing the jig low for extended use is very helpful!
Comment by Kim C on February 4, 2010 at 9:23am
I did that while in a hurry to finish. So far they have lasted and are still there! I think I just measured and cut the ends off of some scrap 2x4s. (I predrilled the holes and they didn't split with the Kreg screws!) I am thinking of adding a couple more at regular intervals so when I move the wood down I know the spacing of the pocket holes are even. Oh, notice my high tech dust collection system in a stylish yellow. hee hee
Comment by KregRep on February 4, 2010 at 9:20am
Looks like a great first project, Kim! A very hand work-center.
Comment by Anthony Lanting on February 4, 2010 at 8:42am
Are those stock supports on the sides? I have thought of adding plywood strips on both sides. Still trying to figure out the indexing guide.

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