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One of the pedestals during my construction.

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Comment by Don Grubish on August 20, 2009 at 4:40pm
Anytime, Joe. =)
Comment by Joe Luberto on August 20, 2009 at 2:37pm
Thank's for the advice Don.
Comment by Don Grubish on August 20, 2009 at 12:22pm
It makes sense when you describe it, but I don't think it's really needed. As long as you put in enough pocket holes in the center ladder structure, you should be fine. Now, when you want to move the desk around in your house, just remember that the strength comes from the middle of the desk, not so much the very ends of the tabletop. I got around that by installing casters at the bottoms of both pedestals. If I need to move our work station around now, we just wheel it out of the way.

By the way, I checked and as it turns out, no, I don't have those plans anymore. I've been asked in the past for plans for my projects before, so now I make it a rule with myself to hold onto those plans. (i.e., my drill press stand.) I'm currently making a hope chest, and I'll display pics of that soon, along with the building plans too.
Comment by Joe Luberto on August 19, 2009 at 8:13pm
Thanks Don,because I was thinking of putting screws in the inside of the two side pieces of the pedestals.If that maks any sense,and if would be strong enough.
Comment by Don Grubish on August 19, 2009 at 5:15pm
When I modified the "desk" it was dimensions that were altered. The pedestals aren't supposed to be that tall, and the middle bracket was of my own invention. When I placed the top on, I screwed up from the inside of the middle bracket with more pocket hole screws. I can look and see if I still have those plans. If I do, I'll send them to you as a PDF because I drew them up in Adobe Illustrator.
Comment by Joe Luberto on August 19, 2009 at 11:56am
Your desk came out nice.You modified the desk and I was woundering if you can tell me what was modified.I noticed the pedestals were from the pic's.Did you screw the top of the desk,because the plans don't call for that and I would like to.Would you mind,if you still have the plans to send them to my inbox so I can take a look I would like to build the desk.Thanks Joe.

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