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Hi I am a new woodworker and was wonderin what biiks and magazines would be a good place for hints and plans.

Thanks Wesley

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woodsmiths shop online
woodcraft online
have good resources for plans, many are free. Many can also be borrowed from local libraries. good luck
Personally, I would recommend Shopnotes, Woodsmith, Wood, and Fine Woodworking, in that order. Woodsmith and Shopnotes are owned by the same company and have a lot of fairly simple stuff that you'll use. FWW has some really nice stuff, ,but seems to be more oriented to more advanced projects.
I started out getting every magazine I could afford. Now I am down to about three which I highly recommend: Popular Woodworking, Wood Magazine, and Woodsmith. They have great projects for various skill levels with ample drawings and hints. As others have said, you can't beat the internet as well.
I get caught up in the Magazine alot, and find there are alot of good one, with alot of great plans and reads on tools and such. But i get ShopNotes now and it has alot of what iam in to, helping with the shop design and some small plans, and tons of Great Reads. Check it out iam sure you can Google it...
I started out with the shop notes magazines. Most of the projects are for your own shop. I thought this was good because you can start off building cabinets and fixtures, and if you screw up no big deal. They have many more plans and tips online as well. Check them out.
I like Wood and Woodsmith magazines.
Have you gone to thats where I get all my books and I got about 50 so good luck with the wood work.
I get Shop Notes, Woodsmith, and Fine Woodworking. The very best resource, in my humble opinion, is Fine Woodworking's Website subscription. Not only do you have access to articles in a pdf format (3 ring binder), but, there is a library of videos for virtually everything that I have had an interest in. Joinery, jigs, tools, etc. Also, it is the first place that I turn to for reviews on tools.
I had a friend sign me up for Handyman Magazine. I'm enjoying what I'm seeing so far.
Hi Whatfelloff,
I ONLY subscribe to 2 woodworking magazines. The first one is SHOPNOTES and WOODSMITH. These are both from August Publishing. The reason I like them is because there are NO ADVERTISEMENTS. (YES, none...guess who pays for the issues). One Year (6 issues) is $ 24.95....You can get a "FREE" issue to evaluate the magazine. For all you Kreg Jig Guys/Gals take a look at Issue # 108. Kreg jig is on the cover. (Did I say there were no ads....)
Ok so I subscribed to shopnotes and as suggested by many of you I have started my own book. All I need now is a sawmill next door and a job that doesn't have me workin 60 hours a week.My first project was a chair that i have a picture of but I am unsure of my next project any suggestions
One of the first books I bought after getting my Kreg jig was The Pocket Hole Drilling Jig Project Book by Danny Proulx (ISBN-10: 1558706879 , ISBN-13: 978-1558706873). There are some really neat projects and good info in this book. I, too, am a subscriber to Woodsmith, Shopnotes, and some online mags like Fine Woodworking.

Several magazines like Wood, American Woodworker, and Popular Woodworking offer free email alerts. Many of these alerts have free plans, videos, helps. etc. In addition to the above magazines and their associated links, some useful links I use are:
Tool Crib:
New Woodworker:
Woodshop Demos:
Sawdust Making:
New Yankee Workshop:
Absolutely Free Plans:
Woodworkers Guild of America:

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