Kreg Owners' Community

Sometimes opportunity just slaps ya up side the head.  I have made picture frames for some time in support of my Original Antique Map collecting and also do my own museum grade matting.  Today a woman at work whose husband is an accomplished local artist in the New Orleans Area approached me on behalf of her artist husband.  He was wanting some custom frames made for a showing in a few months.  Yes I am interested but have no idea how to charge for the service since I have only done it for my own benefit. While I want to be reasonable I do not want to give the service away.  It could lead to other work in the art community also.  Heck it may just pay for some new equipment!  Anyone have info?

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Pricing work is always an issue, charge to much and you don't get the work or potential referrals, to low and you risk doing a lot of work with little upside. In my opinion or random thoughts, I would start at materials cost plus 20%. The reason I say this is it may lead to more clients and this guy may have the contacts. Plus it will put a little money in your pocket or pay for some other expenses. Another option could be to supply the frames, and if you have an idea of cost, when the artwork sells, you get your portion in return. Now if he isn't selling the work, then this really isn't an option. Good luck and I hope it works out.
Bryan is right,it's a fine line , what is too much or not enough.The time is yours but are you just building frames,what kind of finish and matting or is there a back or mounting tabs. The time should be close no matter what size the frames are.I think if your figure your total material cost then double it or 2.5 times would be a much better figure.

Did a bit of research tonight.  Local custom frame shops with store front overhead are getting 4 to 5 times material cost.  If they are able to buy molding in bulk lots of 300ft or more it is closer to 6 to 7 times their material costs.  Find no one creating their own molding but I imagine at the high end that may be an option.   

If you start doing more you can shop around,see what you save buying in bulk,as a builder and remodeler I know when I'm doing a project or custom piece I try to plan out what I have coming up and mostly try to buy in bulk or ordering for better prices,sometimes I will have to hold on to materiel for a bit but bulk is always better. I do this for lumber,materiel and hardware whenever it's possibly

Come up with a number for your time.  I build fitness equipment out of wood as a hobby.  My number is $100 and I tell people out the gate if you want a small item done it would be $100 + materials.  If you start off giving $25 deals for 5 hours of your labor that same person is going to be expecting that same hookup each time.  

I tend to agree with you Robert.  I ran a buis for more than 27 years and once you start giving your time away to a customer it is hard to go the other way.  That said:  I at times gave a small customer a fair discount to help them and to create word of mouth advertising.  You have to be upfront that you do not customarily give discounts and it is a one time event or that you would like them at a later date to reciprocate with more full value purchases.   

robert smith said:

Come up with a number for your time.  I build fitness equipment out of wood as a hobby.  My number is $100 and I tell people out the gate if you want a small item done it would be $100 + materials.  If you start off giving $25 deals for 5 hours of your labor that same person is going to be expecting that same hookup each time.  

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