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hello my name is pauline and i just bought a kreg jig i like doing crafts and i thought this would be great although haven't had time to use it yet i have got to know how it works.


My name is Barry. I am the general manager of a water/wastewater utility in central Arkansas. My wife and I are 3/4ths of the way through a total remodel on our home. As soon as we finish I get to set up my shop and make saw dust. One of the projects I have is to build a CNC router.
I am 46years old, I was a tube bending operator for 14yrs at FW Energy Corp. I loved the challenge of fabricating a piece of metal reading complex shop blue-prints. My job made me very precise on measurments, 1/32" shop tolerance. My wife Shelly and I live in Southern Tier ( Hornell ) New York. We enjoy woodcraft pojects, me the builder , her the artist ! We have 4 children, our oldest is a Sgt. in the U.S. Army, he just returned from Iraq 6monthsago. Our second oldest graduated as a mechanical engineer from R.P.I an Ivy league college for engineers. He is presently employed with Siemans Energy in Orlado , Florida. Our daughter is enrolled in Alfred earning her financial adviser degree. Our youngest works forhimself asa house painter. My wife and I bought this house 5yrs. ago and rebuilding everything from scratch. I just purchased my first Kreg jig 2 days ago, can't wait to use it. The other nice thing is we don't have to contract any one, I am also a certified HVAC
Hi - my name is Miriam Kearney - I live in Eastern Ontario (Tweed) which is a small town of 1400 and I have been a Kreg Jig user now for several years. I tell anyone who works with wood about it because I have found it to be such a fantastic tool in the workshop. Mostly I have been renovating old houses but occasionally I have time for some furniture building.  I am just about to start a new kitchen and will be "kregging" the cases together. I have the old Kreg 2 I think it was called - it's metal and didn't come with any of the fancy wings and stuff the current models seem to have so I built my own by screwing the jig to a piece of plywood and then adding wings to give me a even surface - it sure helps with longer boards. I drilled a hole in the top and the jig hangs on the wall. Thanks for starting this forum - I imagine I will learn a lot and get some more ideas how to use the jig in different kinds of projects.
Hello, My name is John, I live in the Central Tx area, I am new to woodworking and have owned a home for 5 years now which needs some small projects done. Namely shelving for storage in closets for luggage and other rarely used articles. I have attempted woodworking in the past however had trouble with limited work space and joinery.
My name is Jerry and live near Boston, Massachusetts. I am a beginner woodworker and hoping to learn how to make my own cabinets.

Hello Gordon and welcome.


I too am a beginner with the Kreg Jig. I suggest doing a small project first so that you get use to how it all works. It helps before starting a big project.

gordon frohloff said:

Hi, My name is Gordon and I live in Southern MAINE.  I have been remodeling a 100 year old house over the past 7 years and have been stuck going to the next level with book shelves and cabinetry.  I had a little experience 30+ years ago in woodshop.  I am going to purchase the Kreg jig and very excited to build some shelves, desks,  outdoor furniture.  Would you experienced wood workers suggest I begin with small projects, though?  I am looking forward to letting the group know how things are going... I am very excited to purchase the Kreg jig.  I would welcome any suggestions and advice
My name is Jeffrey and I live in east Tennessee (Knoxville, TN) and found this community looking for good tips on crown molding installation using the Kreg Crown Pro ( i don't have one but I have a pocket jig from Kreg). I am here for the knowledge. Thanks
Hi I'm Holly, my husband is the main one that will be doing this. I just put myself on here for him because I read faster and check the internet more.
And better looking Holly, glad to have you both
Hi there John From Marysville, Wa Here always wanted to try wood working so here i go got my KJ from my Wife at Christmas this year can't wait till the weather lets me use it :)

Hey, SuperTal here!  Got a Kreg jig for Christmas from my lovely wife!!


Hope to post my first DIY cabinet project soon!!


I'm all about DIY!!!

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