Kreg Owners' Community

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All My name is Bill i am from Maine. I am new here to the community.

Hi - my name is Bob and I Live in Chandler, AZ. For the past 11 years I have volunteered my time at the Phoenix Zoo and specifically helped during their Boo at the Zoo and Howl-o-ween events. I take the main 40x60 big top tent they have and transform it into the main haunted house (maze) - so I end up building a lot of props and house-like furniture for all of the rooms that I have. This year I will be using my Kreg to help make over 100 8x4 panels (wood frames covered with decorated cardboard) to use as the internal walls of the haunt. I will also be using it to make other objects in my "Dead" and Breakfast themed haunt - such as a kitchen counter and cabinets, a replica church organ, shelves and haunted bookcases - you name it! Anyhow - I will be looking forward to all of the plans and advice that this site and it's members have to offer! ...and if you are in Phx on Oct 25/26 - let me know - you can go to the haunt - unl;ess of course you are scared.



 I am Jeff I live in Baltimore County, MD where currently have a small 10 x 12 shed I am setting up as my workshop. I am interested in building furniture and cabinetry. Received my first Kreg pocket jig from my father for my birthday and have been thinking of ways to put it to good use ever since. Looking forward to contributing and learning from this forum. Thanks 

Hello everybody, my name is Paul and I live in St. Louis Missouri.  I have been an avid woodworker since the late 60s and I still really enjoy it.  I have used my Kreg jig for years and am joining the community very late!

Hello to all, my name is Joe and I live in Bethlehem, GA.  I have a hobby shop and am always looking for new ways to join wood.  Kreg provides some of the best, simplest methods that I have found.  Add dowels or bisquits or tounge and groove alignment systems to the joints and produce the strongest and easiest methods anyone could wish for.  I purchased the full Kreg joining system several years ago and have never been dissatisfied.

Gary Welch said:
Hello, My name is Gary and I live in East TX. I have been doing woodwork off and on over the years and have decided it is time to get back into it. I have not done much pocket hole joinery, always found it to difficult. Only recently purchased the Kreg Jig and ready to get started with it.

Hey Greg,
You are going to love the kreg jig. Got one a year ago and just can't stop building. Good luck

My name is George Barr. I am from Columbus,Ohio. My experience as a woodworker spans over 40 years mostly in home remodel and small build projects. My latest project is a Cross for our church. The Kreg system worked very well, allowing for a box construction for strength  and 3D appeal. I am interested in building furniture traditionally as well as alternative  construtruction.

Hi!  I'm Ashley and my husband and I LOVE doing DIY projects around the home!  We recently bought our first Kreg Jig and I immediately fell in love!  We've  been having a lot of fun trying new things and then I love to show it off on my blog!

So happy to be a part of this community!


Hello, My name is Sam Cover and I live in Huntington  Wv. I have been doing woodworking for the past 15 yrs. I have built many things in this time .  I have used lots of ways to connect boards togeather, the best is the pocket hole! See ya!

Hay All

Name is Scott Im new to this pocket joinery and in fact any joinery. If it cant be held with a framing nail thats my experience on that. What brought me to Kreg was the fact that Im doing a cigar room and going to be doing floor to ceiling wainscot. Wood still up in the air but was looking around on the net and read every posible site on how to do this. Kreg fit the need. So drop the dime on the kit with every thing in it and a 90 clamp. well it came yesterday and I couldnt wait to try it out. So to take baby steps I downloaded the plan for the wookbench and whent at it. I think kreg just created a monster because I love this thing.

Welcome to the community Scott


Kreg Zombies, Kreg Zombies get the terminology right !!

Don't be too concerned though there is lots of us out there!

Looks like you have made an excellent bench. just the start of the Kreg Experience, you will find that it is a very useful tool to have in the workshop.

This is a fantastic site for anybody who has a creative talent and enjoys working with wood be it the dressed primary role timber or recycled timber starting a second life/role.

Its all here, great for ideas, information, detailed plans ( as you have already seen) or just bouncing an idea around from the many worldwide members.


Robert Brennan

Hi all. Coming at you from Sanger, TX (north of Dallas).

After twenty years in the Navy and another 12 years in civilian life, I've finally got my shop. Almost 700 sq.ft. and I'm slowly but surely getting it into shape. It's been difficult as I still have to work for a living, and working 3rd shift (11pm-7am) makes it even more difficult, but I'm getting there. I just recently received my Kreg Master system and am looking forward to putting it to use, if only the weather would cooperate. Although my shop is insulated, I have no heating or cooling in it yet.

Anyways, looking forward to perusing the forums and seeing what knowledge can be gleamed from them. Here's a sneak peak at my shop:

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The Pocket Hole Joinery Book - Review

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First the docking station is extremely cheap. The plastic is pathetic. A Lego has more…


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