Kreg Owners' Community

Ungluing - The saga of the second table

I got so excited about how my first end table came out, I jumped into a second one with a design change: add a drawer.

But did I add a 4" drawer like Charlie suggested? No, I decided to "maximize" the drawer space, designing a 1x6 front. That makes a 1x8 blind on the side. This was going so well I "maximized" the lower shelf reduced the overhang of the top. So I drew that up NOT TO SCALE. Not so smart (I need to learn Sketchup!).

Then I build the table last weekend using Kreg joints and gluing them all (My dad taught me "It's the glue that makes the bond" at about the age of 4, right after "Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey" - so it is hard for me to kick the habit).

The result is a boxy, chunky, un-elegant behemoth I have been trying unsuccessfully to grow fond of all week. (This is a flattering shot)

I am determined to remake the table with better proportions (smaller drawer and shelf, 1.5" overhang on the top...). So my question:

Is it possible to take this table apart cleanly enough to reuse the wood to make the smaller table?
If I had not used glue, I think this would be doable. But will I get these joints apart cleanly? And can I remove the glue well enough for the oak to take the stain evenly?

I used Titebond Original Wood Glue. Do I soak it? Chisel it? Or do I just need to start from scratch?

There are details of the table that I do like and would keep in the remake. The glue-up came out nicely, I put cross pieces at the ends since the short face will be the front.

And I put chamfers on the legs, a minor detail, but it does look nicer than my first table.

So, I would love your feedback: Do I try to take this apart and remake it? Or do I start from scratch?

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Comment by Chuck M on February 1, 2010 at 10:20am
If I can help any with sketch up let me know. I am not a pro, but have used a it a lot.
Comment by Jenny on January 31, 2010 at 6:42pm
I'm stumbling through Sketchup, but it looks like I can save the table by scaling up the top, instead of scaling down the table. The top is the one thing I did not glue, so that is easy enough to try.

I am off to buy more wood to make a top with a bigger overhang an maybe so more thickness.
Comment by Jenny on January 31, 2010 at 5:30pm
Dave, thanks for the encouragement, and for sharing the garbage container story. No fun for you and the wife, but it helps me to hear it.

I found Sketchup tutorials (click here) so I can better "test drive" my design next time.
Comment by DAVID CZUPRYN on January 31, 2010 at 3:38pm
First of all,don't beat yourself up.We've all had this happen to us too.Personally,I think the table's ok.The only difference here is,you don't like it.If push comes to shove,you'll have to tart over from scratch,but nothing ventured,nothing gained,either.Think first,of how to cut it apart to save the most lumber.Most of what you have can be salvaged.With me,sometimes I get so agravated,I just throw the damn thing out,because the more I work with it, the angrier I get.Thats just me tho.If it makes you feel better,I just completed a beautiful raised panel garbage container.I made it to match my raised panel kitchen.It's beautiful and the wife loves it to boot.What's the problem? Kitchen bags won't fit!! The outside diameter's slightly too large.Nice goin,Dave.

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