Kreg Owners' Community

For my first post I thought I would tell a little story… Recently during a rare visit from my grandmother she told me that she heard I had been “building a lot of things”. Of course I took the opportunity to show off my many projects in the workshop including tables, a porch swing, and several cabinets. I did the best I could explaining how the Kreg jig had basically changed my life. Now that joining wood was so much quicker I could accomplish much more in my busy-mom-and-wife schedule. Of course she bragged on my work … even at 37 years old I still love that… who wouldn’t? hee hee

As the visit drew to a close I could tell she had been wanting to say something. Finally she looked at me (like grannies do) and asked, “Don’t you like to quilt?”

I am sure there are female wood workers out there who can relate to the following week. Finally, after several days of wallowing in self pity, I dropped the kids off at school and headed to Lowes. I felt better after the purchase of a new router table… of course then I went shoe shopping.

So it goes without saying that I am happy to find the Kreg Jig owners community. I have truly enjoyed browsing through projects and getting new ideas and helpful hints. I look forward to posting and have TONS of questions!

One sidenote... I received my Kreg Jig system from my husband for our 15th wedding anniversary. It may be the best present I have ever received.

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Comment by Jocelyn Barber on August 20, 2010 at 1:33pm
Hello Kim. Just wanted to say thanks for all of your positive inspiration. I was wondering what kind of storage system you use for storing your scrap wood. My space is limited and to keep my husband from wanting to get rid of it, I need to come up with a more organized solution than what I have. (buy the way, I hate to sew and cook. I used hemming tape to hem one of my girls uniform shorts and me and another daughter learned how to cook healthy meals this summer :-)
Comment by Kim C on July 14, 2010 at 9:23am
Yes I am! my daughter and I used it while redecorating her room. My son uses it for lots of things. I am thinking of giving him my jig and getting a master system.
Comment by Timothy Sluder on May 30, 2010 at 4:22am
A kreg jig for your 15th wedding anniversary, maybe Kreg should start a Screw of the month Club. So Kim, your not a granny square? lol Are you teaching your kids on how to use the kreg jig?
Comment by Earl garcia on March 15, 2010 at 11:46am
My name is JoAnna, and my husband Earl has made several quits, and brought a Kreg jig this summer. He has already made a quilt holder, made a table for his planner, and a work bench . I will send pics of the quilts he has made. By the way I don't even know how to sew.

Earl & JoAnna Garcia
Comment by Kim C on February 8, 2010 at 12:46pm
Ok then it's official. 16th anniversary is clamp anniversary!
Comment by Jenny on February 7, 2010 at 12:18pm
I could not believe Kim’s posting when I first read it. My husband and I have been married 15 years, and he got me the Kreg jig for Christmas. So, yes, it is the official 15 year gift.

I am now very eager to reach my Clamp anniversary. :)
Comment by Anthony Lanting on February 4, 2010 at 9:55am
You can never have too many clamps!
I got a table saw for one anniversary. I use it more than the shotgun I got for our 10th.
Comment by Kim C on February 4, 2010 at 9:47am
Don, in time the Kreg jig will probably become known as the 15 year gift. As that is often the time the kids are more grown and doing things with their friends! Thus leaving time for woodworking! And for 16 year... CLAMPS! (hint hint to my husband)
Comment by Don Grubish on February 3, 2010 at 12:01am
Is the traditional 15 year anniversary gift the Kreg Jig Anniversary? huh.... lol
Comment by Kim C on February 2, 2010 at 11:36am
Quilt rack! That cracks me up! I may do that!
I have been building since I was a young girl so I am used to the weird looks. hee hee
I have recently rediscovered my love for building furniture thanks to the Kreg jig! (and no thanks to dowels and dovetails) I totally agree that woodworking is the the most relaxing hobby and thanks to pocket holes I don't leave the workshop steaming mad.
Thanks for the encouraging words! I will post more pictures soon! I have enjoyed seeing everyone's projects!

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