Kreg Owners' Community

I don't really remember what I was doing when my wife uttered those words to me, not that it really mattered, whatever is was it was dropped like a bad habbit and I followed after her to see what she wanted.

"I want a box with shelf to go here in between these two windows so I can get some of this stuff off the kitchen counter."

Out came the tape measure (there is one in the kitchen for just such an emergency). We looked and discussed overall dimensions and off the workshop I went, a happy little woodworker....

Ugh...I live in Norther New England and it was a not so pleasant 20 degrees out in the shop that early afternoon. I fired up the old woodstove, loaded it up good and came back and hour later ... now it was 40 degrees. At lease I could do some work without my hands hurting.

Cabinet grade plywood ... check! Kreg Pocket Hole Jig ... check! Iron On Edge Banding ... check! 1/4" Plywood for the back panel ... check! (OMG, I might not have to go to Home Depot or Lowes to do this!)

Three hours later (and the shop now at 65 degrees) the wipe on varnish was dry enough to bring the piece into the house.

I certainly wasn't super complicated, but it was a fun build, it looks pretty nice, and it was what she-who-must-be-pleased wanted.

I hope to hang it tonight.

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Comment by Mark Allen Boggs II on January 18, 2010 at 5:41pm
Very Nice Kerry. I work at lowes and we were tareing down some old displays so I bought the 11 sheets of 1/2" MDF and started building some cabinates for my garage. I know that 1/2" isn't much but hey its my garage. So now I have cabinets to store pool stuff and woodworking tools and mechanic tools and spare motorcycle parts. I didn't do the fancy edge banding but i did do some simple face frames and still have to make the doors but I am now building a full kitchen of cabinets for my Mother. It's funny how we start out simple and go to the full on. Again Great project and looks very familiar.
Comment by Chris L on January 18, 2010 at 12:52pm
Kerry, Nice quick project and I am sure she is quite pleased with it and the turn around.

Comment by Pauline Schwiesow on January 18, 2010 at 10:41am
this is a good idea I wanted to make cabinet for my bedroom to have them up off the floor
thanks for the incouragement
Comment by Rosemarie Wood on January 18, 2010 at 9:59am
Bob you are right, I need a cabinet like this but longer etc. To hold up my bird cages, I will put on doors. My gal friends think I am crazy when I tell them my favorite electric tool is my table saw, and that I own a Kreg Jig.
The simpler the better, they do not realize that they can make these lovely items themselves.
Nice job I sure your lady loves it.
Comment by Don Grubish on January 12, 2010 at 7:53am
It reminds me a bit of my laptop tray. I had a need, I had the extra wood, and I had an afternoon to spare. I also had the low freezing temperature to deal with.

Good job on your project.
Comment by Bob Farmer on January 11, 2010 at 4:12pm
Great quick project! Sometimes the simplest projects are the best, and the most fun! Nothing like going out to the shop for only a few hours and leaving with a finished project! :)

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