Our neighbor mentioned to my wife that her 9 year old daughter really needed a little vanity to start putting her girlie stuff, and seeing as its Christmas, and seeing as how I have this niftly wood shop, wouldn't it be nice if we could build something for her.
I went out to the shop Saturday late afternoon and put the top together (birch ply with poplar edging), and Saturday night my wife and sat down and sketched up some ideas:…
Well, cancer treatment followed by vacation / recupration has caused a big gap in posts, but I'm back home now and slowly starting to get back in the shop.
I did get my new router base from Woodcraft, and found that it was too big for the dadomax jig (I'll explain in a later video), but I figured out a way to solve this problem and ordered some nylon set screws from smallparts.com.
Everything is together and I made a test cut with the dadomax and it works good (once I fine… Continue
Added by Kerry Drake on November 5, 2009 at 2:27pm —
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Well, my new DadoMax jig did show up on Monday, but I'm nearly through a 2 week long preparation for my next cancer treatment and my energy is low. I did look at the stuff on Monday and thought: "Hey, there really ought to be some instructions in here..."
It was too late to call Woodline, so I had to wait till Tuesday morning. On Tuesday, I called and talked to Wayne Suttor (Now I think I'm spelling it right) and he immediately knew I was calling looking for instructions (that he… Continue
Recently I saw a video shot by Woodworker's Journal at the 2009 AWFS Fair showing Wayne Suitor (I'm probably spelling his name wrong) from Woodline USA giving a sneak peak at their new DadoMax Router Jig.
Last Thursday I cut my drawer fronts all to Length (25 3/8") and drilled pocket holes in 8 of the pieces in preparation for putting 16 of the pieces togehter in pairs to make 8 panels I could cut to size for the bottom 8 drawers (my stock is wide enough for the top drawers).
Last night (Tuesday) I went in to glue up the panels and found that over the long weekend the pieces I had cut had all cupped, so none of them were flat. Luckly, I now have a 10" Jointer / Planer and I spend the… Continue
Added by Kerry Drake on September 9, 2009 at 10:37am —
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About the only thing missing from my shop was a thickness planer and decent jointer. I saw a video review of the RIKON 12" Combo Jointer / Planer and thought it would be a great idea for my shop (and its rapidly vanishing floor space) to get a combo set-up. That way I would get rid of the old (nearly broken) 4" jointer I have and replace it with a combo.
Now the RIKON is supposed to be about $1600.00 and that was a lot of money for me drop on any tool (combination or not). I did some… Continue
I managed to install the face frame on Sunday (despite Reba the Wonder Dog getting her first introduction to a SKUNK). Things went pretty well and my wife really likes the way it looks (which is what really matters). I am not unhappy with the results.
Here is the built in with all but one of the drawers removed (that drawer, once installed is in such a way that I can't reach the release lever on the left side:
It's been a slow week on the faceframe project, I'm at the point where I have to move the stuff into the house and acutally install the frame, and I need a full day to tackle that, not just the hour a night I spend in the shop.
I did notice however that my Kreg tools were laying all over the place, so they finally got their own… Continue
Spent another 30 minutes going over the frame with 220 grit paper in my Random Orbit Sander, then I flipped the whole frame over and ran over the back with 150 just to clean up the surface.
IF I get to work on it tomorrow, it will be to start staining it...
Added by Kerry Drake on August 10, 2009 at 6:50pm —
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I've got the whole frame assembled and will being some sanding tonight, and I'll take a couple pictures tonight to post.
An interesting thing, I decided Saturday to take a break and install an old airconditioner I had laying around into the wall of my shop. I cut out 2 sections of the wall studs and then framed in the hole for the air conditioner, and I thought to myself, HEY, I could use my pocked hole jig to put in the new pieces of framing for the air… Continue
Added by Kerry Drake on August 4, 2009 at 10:32am —
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I'm building a mighty large face from (its like 9' long and 35" tall) to face a set of built in drawers in the master bedroom. I've got it about 75% finished and will post up some photos shortly.
I have found the face clamp is a huge help in making nice flush joints.
Hi. I'm wondering if anyone has used the Woodpecker Free Hand Guard for dust collection on their bench top router table during pattern routing. How effective is it? It's adaptable to any router table. Continue