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Quarter sawn white oak, with a few walnut accents. Built from plans available from Rockler, where I also got the hardware.

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Views: 2814

Projects: Steamer Trunk
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Comment by Ron Haynes on December 16, 2012 at 7:57am

Stunning piece of craftsmanship. Absolutely stunning.

Comment by William Burton on December 8, 2012 at 9:54pm

Hi Larry,

Thanks for all the kind words. I do woodworking as a hobby, working out of my garage. I am too slow at it to quit my day job -- I am afraid I would starve if I tried to make a living at woodworking. Plus, that might take some of the fun out of it. 

I grew up using some great old tools in my dad's shop - Boise Crane bandsaw and joiner, AMF radial arm saw, an old lathe, drill press, etc. As long as you can find the needed parts, you can get some good stuff at reasonable prices.

Most of the stuff I have made up through this summer was done on a little Ryobi BT-3000 table saw. There is a lot that can be done well on older, and less expensive machines. You are on the right track -- by looking for older equipment, you will be able to outfit a shop at a fraction of the price of new machines, and you will probably have better tools as well!!

Comment by Larry E Dennis on December 8, 2012 at 5:24am

To William Burton, Hi there, my name is Larry & I wood love to be on your list of pals.  You see when I find someone with the skills you have I try to get to know them better so that your skills might rub off on me. ( ha ha)  Really though are you a professional, building to sell like in a showroom, or a hobby type builder,building for your own use to avoid chipboard & MDF??  Having only the photos to go by I am going to say neither.  You, Mr. Burton are a builder of Very High Quality Family Hierlooms. This is by far some of the best furniture that I have seen in a long time.  I don't have the tools necessary to turn outwork of your quality, but I am building my stable of finer tools. Estate sales seem to be the best place to go. Find old rusty, dirty, & greasy wood working tools, 10" & 12" saw blades that need sharpening & cleaning. If you are willing to get dirty you can find oodles of valuables in an old blacksmith shop.  I carry an old tote about 18" X 12" X 9" .  Add several sizes of 50 cent paint brushes, assorted hand tools for unbolting, prying, & ETC.

OOPS time to shut up b-4 I scare you away.  Hope to hear from you soon. LED from Eugene,OR

Comment by William Burton on December 5, 2012 at 10:59pm

Hi Brian,

On this piece, I used other types of joinery -- mortise and tenon, locked miter, splined miter, panel and groove, etc. There really wasn't an appropriate place to use the Kreg jig on this particular piece. 

Comment by Brian on December 5, 2012 at 10:40pm

Bill - did you join the pieces with the Kreg jig?

Comment by William Burton on December 5, 2012 at 8:11pm

Thanks for all the kind comments, everybody! I should put in a plug for the source of my materials -- the quartersawn oakcame from Scott at He is just a few miles down the road from me here in NC but he will also ship, I believe. Starting with some really nice materials never hurts. 

Comment by Ken on December 5, 2012 at 6:48pm

Very, very nice! Excellent color and mood.

Comment by Stephen Bozzone on December 5, 2012 at 3:56pm

That is a work of art! Very nice. Here's the link to the plans:

Comment by michael evans on December 2, 2012 at 9:40am

Absolutely amazing william ,i am envious of your skills .A true conversation piece, if the centre of the top was flat would double up as a amazing coffee table .

Comment by Brian on December 1, 2012 at 9:12pm


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