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Box held together by pocket hole joinery. NO glue. Gets rolled around the shop and still tight after about 18 months. Even the drawers are pocket screwed.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 610

Projects: Mission furniture, Projects
Favorite of 2 people


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Comment by Jenny on January 17, 2010 at 7:54pm
Joseph – You are so right, DTs are beautiful. In my kitchen, each drawer took me as long as all the cabinet frames put together, but well worth it as I look at them every day.

But facing the daunting task of making a whole wall of cabinets and drawers for the workshop, I think I will try the pocket holes now that I see how strong your drawers are. (Thanks for posting the picture, very helpful).

Derek - Nice way to hid all the pocket holes without filling them!
Comment by Derek on January 17, 2010 at 5:15pm
When I built the drawers for my computer desk and nightstands, I put the pocket holes on the front and back of the drawer. On the back they were hidden of course, but on the front I just added a false-front to the drawer so they were completely hidden there as well! Very strong, and VERY fast to build.
Comment by Joseph Scharle on January 17, 2010 at 12:45pm
I think they're two different things. DTs are beautiful and strong, whereas the pocket holes are not pretty, unless plugged, but so far have shown no signs of coming loose. I did put the holes inside.

Comment by Jenny on January 17, 2010 at 11:25am
Joseph, what are your thoughts on the dovetail drawer verses the pocket-hole screw ones?

I happily gave up biscuit joints, half-laps, rabbits and most dados for pocket-hole screws. But I am concerned about giving up dovetailed drawers, they are so strong. Can the pocket-holes compete? (It would be great to save the time.)
Comment by Joseph Scharle on January 5, 2010 at 8:09am
Really looks good, Joseph. Does it have a specific purpose or do you just toss things in like I do my drawers?
The bottom drawer holds 2 routers, the next up has a Worksharp + accs AND Odds & Ends, next one has chisels & p-lanes and the top drawer holds a lot of my measuring tools. The back is pegboard with ext cords and whatever else I remember to put away. This box was made from leftovers from a set of bookcases and the top sets loose in case I have to 'tighten up' the screws. Makes it easier to get inside.. The only 'challenge' was the full inset drawers. I simply used a spacer & clamps to prevent the side from camming off the mark. After I built this box, I built a blower/filter cabinet that also rolls around. The only change was the dovetailed drawer. Did that with the Leigh Super I won from American Woodworker. Had to check it out!

Comment by Don Grubish on January 5, 2010 at 7:07am
THAT gets rolled around in a wood shop? That looks like it could sit in your living room proudly. Very nice work on it.
Comment by Joseph Scharle on January 4, 2010 at 3:22pm
Thx, it's still tight
Comment by gdatomic on January 4, 2010 at 2:14pm
That looks great. Especially good to hear about it's durability under movement.

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