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I hurt my shoulder haning the last cabinet and then was sick and surgeries, so it has been more than 8 months since this photo was taken. Back on track now though!

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Projects: New Kitchen
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Comment by Paula Geihs on September 2, 2010 at 9:53pm
My grandkids are grown so I don't ahve to worry about that. My cat is a more likely threat! I forgot to mention that I am building my own countertops and backsplashes as well. I took some more pics today but don't have them loaded into the comp yet. Sort of want to wait until I have better stuff to show. I would love to know if you find the strawberry stencils. Thanks!
Comment by Dale Burke on September 2, 2010 at 2:41pm
Sounds like you have a good sense of direction and some great ideas. I'll let you know if I come across any high quality strawberry motif etching stencils. Oh, and I like the toekick idea but we have young grandchildren that, I think, would destroy anything at that level ha!
Comment by Paula Geihs on September 2, 2010 at 1:43pm
Thanks Dale. I actually have considered glass and maybe this winter when I get bored, I will see if it is something I think I can handle on my own.I HATE having to share my thunder!! I have a couple of things I am doing to my base cabinets that I like a lot. First thing is, I am building "tockick" drawers on most of the bases. I hate wasted space and granted, these drawers will not hold a lot, but I have some silicone bakewear that fits in there nicely and is out of harm's way and if I find a good sale on foil or similar items, it fits in there nicely without taking up much needed space in the rest of the cabinet. All of my shelves are actually built exactly like my drawer boxes and pullout on FE glides. My back isn't as young as it used to be and it is hard for me to see what is on the bottom shelves. Now it is not an issue. The 2 bases I have done are already being used, even if they aren't exactly in their final places yet and my back already loves the pullout shelves. I had another idea that I have recently decided not to do but would like to pass it along here anyway. I hate wasted space (hence the corner shelving unit on the wall cabinets) and I dont care for lazy susan's either. I was going to make a cabinet in the corner with shelves sliding into the one on the next wall that would be to the left of my sink. I didn't explain that very well, but instead of it being just a blind corner that I couldn't reach, I was going to leave the cabinet beside my sink empty on the bottom, use it for my trash can ( no glides) and then the shelves in the corner on the other wall could have slid right into the empty base. I still love the idea and would have used the corner cab for things I rarely use or to hide things, but I have so much to do between now and the end of October, I just am not going to mess with it now. I am going to build a shallow sideboard and use that for the same amount of storage plus it will give me a place to put my baker's rack!

Just finished sanind down plugs and have to rest my arms, but then it is back to doors!

Thanks again for the ideas. My kitchen is done in strawberry decorations and if I could find a strawberry motif for the glass, I might consider it....
Comment by Dale Burke on September 2, 2010 at 12:44pm
You can get the same effect, without the open to dust and such situation, by incorporating glass into the doors. If you have access to someone who can do sand blast etching there are a number of pre-made stencils available with everything from flower patterns to wildlife (elk, deer, pheasant) to frame art. Just thought I'd throw that out there. The last open-cabinet job I did ended up with getting called back to do just this fix. The customer decided the dishes were getting too dusty and chose an oval background, three stalk wheat pattern and I sand etched it into 14 custom cut panes. I built frame style doors and installed the panes with padding to avoid slam cabinet breakage and got referals for several more jobs. You do what works for you and your budget but I wanted you to know there are options to closing everything in. Keep up the good work!
Comment by Paula Geihs on September 2, 2010 at 12:26pm
I'm building doors for the base cabinets-helps hide the junk food! LOL! My kitchen is not very big and I think open shelving or cabinets makes it look larger. When I remodeled the last house we lived in. I took all the wall cabinets down and never put any back up. I didn't build those cabinets though, just assembled them and knew I would never do that again. I will post more pics soon but right now I have to get back to door building!

Thanks everyone!
Comment by Dale Burke on September 2, 2010 at 12:08pm
Just goes to show you, they don't have to be perfect to look great. Even pros know where all their little flubs are but noone else will ever notice it. With a little more time, and as you gain new skill sets, you will eventually want to build doors just cuz you can. Take care of that shoulder and keep working the wood.
Comment by Rhino on September 2, 2010 at 10:55am
P.S. Great idea for the corner with the shelving. Turns dead space into handy, useful space. Keeping that in mind for sure!
Comment by Rhino on September 2, 2010 at 10:53am
That's a project I expect to tackle this winter. You look like you did an awesome job. I would enjoy seeing some up close tech shots to help out a newbie like me.
Comment by Paula Geihs on September 2, 2010 at 7:47am
For the most part, yes I did all of it alone. Wall cabinets aren't nearly as heavy as base cabinets so it wasn't too hard and I used a ledger to help hold them. Unfortunately, I injured a rotator cuff on the last one and spent several months off with that as well as illness most of the winter and then surgery trying to find cancer that thank God, wasn't there! Back to business now though and hope to have all the base cabinets completed over the next 2 days. I built the wall units so that I could put doors on them later if I choose to do so, but once the bases are in and some of the clutter is removed. I am pretty sure I won't want to. They aren't perfect and are the first and only ones I have ever done, but I am pleased with how they look and am not afraid to say " I did this!" Kreg made it so much easier!

Thanks for the kind words ladies, I appreciate it!

Comment by Susan Herod on September 1, 2010 at 11:56pm
You Go Girl! Did you construct and hang all by yourself? My construction zone looks like this, too LOL ;o))

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