Kreg Owners' Community

This is my screw and accessories storage. I will use the top storage bins for plugs, spacer blocks, face clamp covers, extra step drill bits, and #2 Sqaure drives.

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Comment by Giovanni on September 16, 2011 at 12:42pm
Well James It seems that Kreg has taken your idea very seriously. See the new Kreg toolboxx.   Maybe you can get some commison from Kreg......
Comment by Dan Fiorito on June 1, 2010 at 5:34pm
Mike, I've found a few suppliers of Bluekote if your interested. My local dealer, has them in stock, he's got a box of 1000 he'll give you a deal on (shipping might cost you a bit). I've also discovered that TheToolStore.CA stocks them as well, in various sizes and package amounts. I've ordered from TheToolStore, they're fast and reasonable on the shipping.
Hope this helps!
Comment by Mike Swaga on May 31, 2010 at 9:56am
Bluekote screws are made in Ontario, shipped to the states and then the government charges 170 % surtax to get them back. Figure that one out.
Comment by Dan Fiorito on May 31, 2010 at 9:05am
Mike, I hear ya on that one. My local Kreg rep is totally frustrated with this. I usually just by them when I'm state side, only way around it. One of the largest manufactures of screws, GRK Fasteners is located in Thunder Bay, ON, almost pulled the plug on the local office and moved it across the border due to the stupid surtaxes that Ontario imposes, they were having a heck of a time importing some of their product.
Comment by Mike Swaga on May 31, 2010 at 6:26am
I spoke to both Kreg in the states as well as local dealers. The bottom line seems to be that the Canadian government imposes a 170 % surtax (yes, that is correct) on the Bluenote screws to discourage them coming into Ontario. Their reasoning is that the coating on the Bluenote screw is not "enviromentally friendly". They can't ban the screws so they just make it too expensive for dealers here to buy and resell. Talk about getting screwed twice. Sorry, couldn't let that one go......
Comment by Dan Fiorito on May 31, 2010 at 6:06am
Hi Micheal,
HD in the US won't ship to Canada due to them having a Canadian division. The jointer is not available in Canada so I snaped one up. The funny thing is, the Canadian HD seem to stock the blades for the jointer, yet the US one doesn't, figure that one out!
However, when it does come to shipping from the US to Canada and vise-versa, it can be a huge pain due to the paperwork of getting stuff across the boarder. I'm fortunate that my parents live in Minneapolis (I"m in Thunder Bay which is about 3.5 hrs SW of Duluth MN). So I'll often get them to pick up deals for me and just have them bring them up or I'll get them when I'm there. They have Rockler just down the road so I'm constantly in there!
Comment by michael j stow on May 31, 2010 at 1:45am
is the shipping that much more to canada. i got some on line, but i am in tx. i am lazy on cap. letters.
Comment by Dan Fiorito on May 30, 2010 at 7:53pm
On my last trip to Minneapolis I managed to find one! Also managed to pickup a Ridgid JP0610 Jointer for a steal of a deal, $299.00!! Heck of a unit for the money. Then I came back to Canada and picked up a new General Hybrid table saw, the one with the granite top. With all that said, I had a chance to play around with the new Kreg router table, now I'm trying to find a few bucks for that one! Now, if I could only afford some wood.. 8-)
Comment by James Pratt on April 28, 2010 at 6:29pm
Bob, Welcome to the community. Glad this was of some help.
Comment by Bob Bedrosian on April 27, 2010 at 8:41pm
I just joined this community not long ago and I think this was one of the first picture I came across and when I came across this, I said oh wow, this is an awesome idea using a Home Depot organizer box to keep the kreg stuff in. I must admit that I recently went out and picked up the exact same box from Home Depot for $29.99. So I just want to give you credit for such a great idea and thanks for sharing these photos. I don't have a big collection of screws so my box will mainly be used to keep the Kreg jig and accessories in as well as a few screws. I am a newbie to wood working and not bad for a beginner. Future projects are Adirondack chairs using the Kreg jig and pocket screws.

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