Kreg Owners' Community

Shoji Doors

Custom Shoji Doors, 2 Panes made with kreg jig, spray frost and some plexi.

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Comment by John Spain on August 23, 2011 at 12:33pm
heres where i took my notes from ( if it helps any.  I think its the same general idea you were considering.  I would suggest using the spray gloss-plexi method simply because the effect is way better and i think its easier to work with than the paper.
Comment by twyla dorzweiler on August 23, 2011 at 10:52am
thanks so much! Sounds like a great project and they sure turned out nice! :) I'm hanging mine on barn door sliders but hadn't been able to find a plan for them. I sure am glad you posted this! :)
Comment by John Spain on August 23, 2011 at 6:10am

I ended up building two separate frames for each door.  Each individual frame was assembled using ¾ stock pine material pocket-screwed (if that’s a term) together.  I hid the pocket holes on the inside of the doors; by inside I mean I made them face the middle.  Using this method I didn’t have to go back and plug the holes which was a super plus.  I wanted the plexi to be replaceable so I chose to screw the doors together from the backside.  I placed one frame on top of the other and predrilled from the backside.  I drilled to a slightly wider width than I needed but more shallow than necessary so I didn’t split the plexi and I could counter sink the screws with little problem.  Likewise, this adds a bit of structural integrity to the door.  I know this seems counterintuitive but that plexi is fairly tolerant to shear.  To hide the screws, I just ‘spritzed’ the top of the screw with the rustoleum that I used to spray the door.  I’m sure you could fill those holes, but like I said, I wanted the glass to be easily replaceable.  Just a side note; on the top and bottom I staggered the pieces for structural purposes.  This limits the ability of the door to bend and makes it a good deal stiffer at the bottom where it is likely to encounter what we might call ‘interaction’.  The gloss was a spray on window film (spray the plexi before you assemble the doors), I think I put three cans (total) on the doors-both sides- before it was all done.  It looks like a mess when you put it on, but keep spraying and it works out.  Any questions let me know!  Thanks for the comments!

Comment by twyla dorzweiler on August 23, 2011 at 3:17am
can you give a brief description of how you put these together? did you use pocket screws? why type of wood did you use? You have me very curious as these are on my woodworking bucket list! :D
Comment by Peter Herrmann on August 23, 2011 at 1:09am

Very nice!


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