Stephanie H


Vancouver, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Which Kreg products do you own?
Kreg Jig® K5, Kreg Jig® Mini
How would you describe yourself?
Beginner Woodworker
How did you learn about the Kreg Owners' Community?
In-Package Brochure
What's one interesting fact about you, your life, your garage, shop, or home?
I have turned half of my garage into a mini workshop. I enjoy learning how to use all my tools.

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  • james wilhelm

    Stephanie , did not want to start an arguement , I just asked a question about the counter sink bit,s  , as they were not related to the post and did not want you to be misled !!!  I think all of your project,s are very nice and you have learned a lot and will do very good in wood working !!!  I have been doing this for 25 + years  and you have a good future in wood working , keep up the good work and have a nice day , JIM !!!

  • james wilhelm

    You are very welcome , I will help you when I can , if I know the right answer , done a certain project , used a certain tool  that is asked  about in a post   !!!  Keep up the good work , enjoy your wood working and have fun , that is what it is all about, Have a great day , JIM !! 

  • Dave Johnson

    You're welcome, and thank you.

    If I can be of help let me know