Daniel Lynch

Oceanside, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Which Kreg products do you own?
Kreg JigĀ® Master System
How would you describe yourself?
Beginning Woodworker

Comment Wall:

  • Ed Morris

    Hi Daniel, I did look and ask my local music store about amp stands and the best thing I found was a stand that holds the amp just off the floor, so I thought outside the box a little bit and thought why not make a stand where my amp can sit about 40" high. next came as to what do I want to put on the shelves to figure out the size of the shelf and the rest came pretty easy. I have a Fender Mustang I amp as well and after I feel good enough to get back into the swing of things I will the plans from the Roland AC-33 acoustic amp stand and change the measurements to fit the Mustang amp. I was told by my employer that when I was going on Long Term Disability to get at least one hobby to pass the time away I thought of doing woodworking and playing the guitar so in this case it work out great because I got to do something for both hobbies, I also made a book shelf that holds all my books, DVD's, and binders that hold plans that I have downloaded from the internet which turn out very well, after leaving my trade as a high pressure welder where everything I welded was x-rayed this is my way to relax doing my hobbies. Take care and maybe we will chat with you again down the road. Ed from Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada

  • Ed Morris

    Hi Dan, if you want the measurements that I use to start then you can adjust them to your needs. How is the snow conditions where you live? Here on Southern Vancouver Island we do not get much snow instead we get the rain, and our flowers are starting to be noticed now, it hard to think that much of North America is covered with snow and the west coast get very little. Have fun playing your music and building projects. Ed Morris