Jeff Metcalf


Guelph Ontario


Profile Information:

Which Kreg products do you own?
Kreg Jig K5, Kreg Jig K4 Master System, Older Kreg Jig, Kreg Jig HD, Deck Jig, Shelf Pin Jig, Kreg Clamps, Kreg Cutting and Measuring Tools
How would you describe yourself?
Intermediate Woodworker
What's one interesting fact about you, your life, your garage, shop, or home?

Comment Wall:

  • james wilhelm

    Hi Jeff , welcome to the community , great place to get Ideas and share some of your Ideas , a lot of nice people here , have a great day , JIM !!

  • JL Wood Built

    Jeff, I did not use the HD Jig. Recently I accidentally purchased the HD screws. I didn't realize they were even available until then.  I've since checked my local box store where I bought the screws, but they do not have the jig. I may have to order it direct. It looks like a good piece of equipment to have.

  • Wally

    Thanks... I live in Lethbridge...
  • james wilhelm

    Thank,s again Jeff , really liked the box you made for Emma, nice design and finish , have a great day and happy wood working , JIM !

  • Jerrod McCrary

    Thanks for the heads up for the craftsman unit, it is cheaper than the other ones I had been looking at. 

  • Gary roofner

    Jeff I agree with you and have not understood why so many are still buying K4? Can only be price if I did not have a K3 I would have bought the K5. I may still buy I like the auto adjust features.