Kreg Jig Organizer Project Plan

I just purchased the march issue of wood magazine and on page 28 they have a project for building a base with storage space for your pocket hole jig, looks like a fairly easy project to build and probably couldĀ be built out of scraps that were left over from other projects. they even have a screw chart that you can glue to the inside of the lid

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    David Lazenby

    I went online to try to buy that article from Wood Mag. The only way was to buy a DVD w/ mulitiple seasons for $149... thanks but no thanks... .

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    Ken Darga


    Try copying the pasting the above image to a wood document,

    and then print it out.

    David Lazenby said:

    I went online to try to buy that article from Wood Mag. The only way was to buy a DVD w/ mulitiple seasons for $149... thanks but no thanks... .

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    Paul Jones

    You can buy the magazine for $7.95 from their website.