Kreg Owners' Community

Several years ago, I made the "Adirondack" outdoor chair based on plans from Kreg. It was a fun project because I put all the slats together and painted a picture of a barn on the back of the chair. I used mostly craft paints and acrylics. I put on a few coats of polyacrylic top coat.

I just took it out of the garage and noticed that the polyacrylic is almost all gone. I suppose it weathered off during a few summers when it sat on my porch.

Could anybody recommend a better top coat as a sealer? I'm looking at the spar urethene, but I don't know if it will give me a thicker result than the polyacrylic. Also, I've looked at thebRustoleum Neverwet kit at HD, but I'm skeptical.

Any advice or experience would be appreciated!

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M Blair;

They have several different types the one with Low Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC should not have as much fume problem, was the type you bought water base?

Looking forward to the pictures, also make sure you let other members know of the quality of your results as it might help other members who make a lot of outdoor projects.

M Blair said:

Jeff, thanks for looking that up! That's actually the exact product I bought. It was about $16. I did a test spot that looked fine after four hours, so I put on the entire coat. It goes on very, very thick. I don't know how much sanding our how many coats I'll need to do, but I'm thinking probably just one more. I'm glad I did it in the garage, because the fumes were pretty bad (remember, I've been using that water-based polyacrylic).

Anyhow, I think it's going to go very well. I'll try to post a photo once I finish it.

I think you should go with the polyacrylic top coat for your chair as this is quite thick and will give you the desired coat on your chair.

Jeff,  I am using Marine spar from Rustoleum.  Label states that it blocks UV, salt and mold.   My first try with it so it is too soon to rate my opinion for the long term of durability.   The cost factor was better than what M Blair posted (I purchased a quart).   A little harder to work with than other finishes that I have tried but this is my first try with outdoor applications.   Fingers crossed.

Thanks Rita;

Let all the members know later after 6 months or so there are many companies that make the product now and probably all do a good job when I first started doing outside signs there was no internet and everyone had there own trade secrets so it was hard to find stuff. I also had some friends that where wooden boat builders amazing craftsman so if I remember correctly they helped with my research.

If you find the water base Low VOC's at a reasonable price let the members know as this should be easy to apply.


Good Luck Thanks for the feed back



Can you send me a link to that product, the only thing I found was there clear coat Stoneffects that has all the properties you said do not know if that will work.

Rita B. said:

Jeff,  I am using Marine spar from Rustoleum.  Label states that it blocks UV, salt and mold.   My first try with it so it is too soon to rate my opinion for the long term of durability.   The cost factor was better than what M Blair posted (I purchased a quart).   A little harder to work with than other finishes that I have tried but this is my first try with outdoor applications.   Fingers crossed.


This is the link to a one of there exterior products I found it just has UV blockers.



Jeff,   Here is the link of the stuff I am using.    It is not water based.  I never thought a water based would work well outdoors but per this discussion, I am finding that like you are discovering, there are many varieties from different manufacturers.   I chose this one in hopes that it will offer more durability to the ever changing weather elements that my area experiences.   Amazon carries it but I found it much cheaper at a local big box store.

Thanks Rita;

After reading your link I'm sure this will work great but doubt that you will find it in a water base as it is a spar varnish you will only find spar urethane in a water base that I know of. But the spar varnish is great product as well just make sure you use it in a well ventilated area.

Thanks Again Jeff

I'm impressed with the results of the spar urethane (Miniwax Helmsman Spar Urethane). To be clear, the fumes weren't terrible, but I've been using the Minwax water polycrylic (and the water-based finishes) that has virtually no detectable fumes. Those products I've used in my basement and had no problem with. The spar urethane can't be used in that kind of a confined place.

In any event, it applied very thick. A little amber color appeared in two places, both flat surfaces parallel to the ground, where it "pooled" a but. It was just excess that I was able to sand off. I bought the semi-gloss version and it is very, very glossy, so I can wipe it clean very easily. I ended up putting on just the one coat and then touching up a couple of spots. After this initial application, I am very satisfied. Let's just hope it holds up for a few summers before I need to reapply it!

Thanks again for your help and suggestions, everyone!

Now see Jeff, that is why I have so much to learn LOL!   I had always thought varnish and urethane were basically the same product, just different names   I ran into the same problem once when a family member asked me to go get my drill driver.  I told him I do not think I have one but I have plenty of drills, will that work?   He said "yes Rita, that will work just fine" and gave me the dumb blond look.  :)

M Blair, glad that the Minwax is working for you.   Now sit back and enjoy your work with a cool drink!

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